MINUTES OF MEETING ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Rolling Hills Community Development District was held Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Rolling Hills Amenity Center, 3212 Bradley Creek Parkway, Green Cove Springs, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Shannon Jordan Chairperson John Miller Vice Chairman Jeff Rhein Supervisor Also present were: Marilee Giles District Manager Katie Buchanan District Counsel Keith Hadden District Engineer by telephone Joe Schofield Alliant Engineering by telephone Freddie Oca Riverside Management Jay Soriano Operations Manager Several Residents The following is a summary of the actions taken at the August 15, 2023 meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Mr. Finney stated I am a new resident and I have been overwhelmed with negative news about the neighborhood. The amenity center seems to be in poor shape and it seems like it could be proactively handled differently and there is a lack of caring and lack of maintenance. It appears to be mismanaged or mis-planned. Ms. Jordan gave an overview of the history of the district and the reason for the lack of available funds for repairs and upgrades. DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 2 Mr. Miller stated there was not enough staffing but there are enough people in the community willing to help. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters A. Appointment of New Supervisor to Fill Unexpired Term of Office (11/2026) Ms. Jordan moved to appoint David Church to fill the unexpired term of office and Mr. Miller seconded the motion. Mr. Rhein stated I think we get a lot more with Mr. Gibbons then gave an overview of his background. On voice vote with two in favor and Mr. Rhein opposed the motion passed. B. Oath of Office for Newly Appointed Supervisor C. Election of Officers, Resolution 2023-04 Items B and C were tabled. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Overview of the Bond Process Ms. Buchanan gave an overview of the bond process, reviewed the past issuances, the default, refinancing of portions of the 2006A Bonds into four series of bonds that have been refunded again into the 2020 series, then the 2022s relate to the Adams Home section. This is the debt the district owes to the bondholders and the district collects the debt service assessments to pay the principal and interest on those bonds. Generally, at the first meeting the district determines what improvements it is going to be responsible for constructing and that is called the capital improvement plan that includes the stormwater management system, water, sewer, electric, roads, streetlights, landscaping, hardscaping, and amenities. It is essentially all your core infrastructure. The district’s engineer works with the developer and identified the master improvement plan, put it in a report and we DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 3 used that report to file a complaint with your circuit court to have the court validate the bonds. That means the district has the authority to issue bonds, the purpose of the bonds is valid and the process for the bond issuance is valid. Once we have the validation the district issues a master assessment lien and that is where we identify that we are able to lien all the developable property within the district with assessments necessary to pay for the bonds. The one thing I will note is that we never issued the total master lien. The master lien is generally the cost of the total improvement plan, which is generally tens of millions of dollars more than what the market can support, which means they wouldn’t be able to sell lots with the assessment high enough to support the original umbrella master lien. Instead, the developer looks at the target assessment range it wants and multiplies that out by the number of platted units it is going to have in each assessment area and that is how the district determines the amount of bonds that are issued in any series. If the bonds are not enough to finish the project the developer has an agreement with the district to complete the project out of its own pocket. The conditions of the bonds including the interest rate, terms, refinancing provisions, all of those are incorporated into the supplemental assessment methodology, which also identifies the reduced assessment rate that is actually assessed on the property. That is an overview of the start to finish and overview of bonds. Mr. Rhein asked which bonds have been paid in full? Ms. Buchanan stated none of them have been paid back in full, they are 30-year bonds. I don’t think any of them extended past the initial term, so you are looking at 2037 for the expiration for the earlier ones and the ones that were issued in 2022 are going to be a much later date. If you have a question about the bonds on your specific lot, Marilee’s office has information and she can give you an estoppel and pay down information. Mr. Rhein stated I imagined an in-depth discussion of our agenda, our bonds and someone to walk us through the steps and process. How we issue and where we are now. Ms. Buchanan stated help me understand because this is how we issue. Mr. Rhein stated let’s move on, thank you for your time. Ms. Buchanan provided the website has the offering statements that is a summary of all the transactions, the work that is going to be done, the financials of the district and the summary of the development and the developers. It is essentially a proforma and prospectus that they give to tentative bond holders. It is very detailed in the information that it has and that is the document that bondholders use to decide whether or not they want to invest in the district’s bonds. DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 4 FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the April 11, 2023 & June 13, 2023 Meetings Ms. Jordan moved to approve the April 11th and June 13th meeting minutes and Mr. Miller seconded the motion. Mr. Rhein stated the minutes of the April meeting are not ready to be approved because there needs to be some additions. Supervisor Cormier requested and there was about three paragraphs in total between the conversation of Shannon and Ms. Cornier. I’m not sure why they were left out to begin with. Ms. Jordan asked what conversation are you referring to? Ms. Giles stated it is on page 18. Florida Statutes requires that we take minutes, not that they are verbatim. A lot of times the transcriptionist just gives an overview of the minutes. When a supervisor wants something specific to be revisited, we replay the recording and add it in. I don’t know what difference this conversation made. You see that on page 18 where it starts with, we can agree to disagree, the developer could have continued to contribute to the community. The supervisor asked that her statements be added in there. Mr. Rhein stated I think what was gained from the revision was that Helana believed the developer could contribute to the community and maintain and sustain the pocket parks. I want to state on record that due to the fact that there were some comments not recorded, the first time the reason the business practice concern by the management company in regarding the public meeting minutes supervisors are not being recorded in an accurate manner. I don’t know why they get to pick and choose. Ms. Jordan asked what was not recorded? What do you want recorded that was not? Mr. Rhein stated it is on page 18. Ms. Giles stated it is not a requirement to be verbatim with Florida Statute, a lot of times when pens are clicking very loudly and feet are shuffling and papers are being stacked and people are coughing and sneezing and scooting around in their chairs it is very difficult to hear the recordings. I can ask the transcriptionist why she didn’t put that in the first time, if she had a difficult time understanding what was being recorded. I can come back and let you know why it wasn’t there the first time, but it is not a requirement that it be verbatim; just that minutes be taken. DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 5 I have some districts that their minutes are simply two pages long, whatever the agenda item is it says it and then the motion, it is very brief. Any time a supervisor asks that a recording be revisited and a specific comment be added they add it for you. Mr. Rhein stated I hear you but when it changes the narrative of the agenda and the minutes recorded it is important that they are all recorded properly. Ms. Jordan asked what was changed? Mr. Rhein stated you would not know that Helana believed the developer should contribute to the community to maintain and sustain pocket parks. Ms. Jordan stated I disagree with you. I think the public is well aware that Helana thinks the developer should contribute more and has said it numerous times in the meetings. I don’t know that that changes the entirety of the conversation we had. It is such a minuscule conversation. That is the first thing, the developer should contribute more money but it has nothing to do with us in the grand scheme of things or what we are doing in the CDD and the business we are trying to accomplish with the funds we do have. I’m fine with the meeting notes. I think they express all the issues that were on the agenda and the conversations we had. There was a lot at that meeting that we don’t put in these minute notes and I don’t care because it doesn’t add to the issues that we address as a CDD board. Mr. Rhein stated I would like to also move that the June comments do not include my comments that were recorded when I stated I believe the residents are paying for this on the bond on page 32 in regard to the contract modification of over $500,000. Ms. Giles asked is that PDF page 32? Mr. Rhein stated yes. Ms. Giles stated let’s take one set of minutes at a time. For the April 11th minutes is there a motion to approve? On MOTION by Ms. Jordan seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor the April 11, 2023 minutes were approved as presented. Ms. Giles asked on the June 13th minutes, I can ask the transcriptionist to replay that. After the meeting just point me in the direction where it is missing so we can hone in on that part of the recording and we can approve this in substantial form or we can table the June minutes until the corrections are made. DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 6 Mr. Rhein stated there was also talk about ponds and the sizes and I believe that to be important for historical record so the future board members know that we have ponds the size of 3 acres that was not included in the minutes either. On page 52 there is a sentence with the phrase, invoice and waiting, and it should be invoice in waiting. Ms. Giles stated if you can send me those corrections, I will have them added. We will table the June 13, 2023 meeting minutes. Ms. Jordan moved to approve the June 13, 2023 meeting minutes in substantial form and there being no second the motion died for lack of a second. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Update Regarding Series 2020 Project A. Update Regarding Series 2020 Project Mr. Hadden updated the board on the number of lot closings, the water and reuse meter installation, and paving the third cul-de-sac and stated everything should be done by the end of August. In response to Shannon’s request on the park the developer has agreed to transfer that to the CDD and contribute up to $6,000 to build whatever the CDD wants such as a bench or picnic table. Ms. Jordan stated extend them our gratitude and Marilee can send out a letter and we can put the money aside to give it to Helana to do something with that park. Ms. Giles steed it sounds like it is going to be a couple of months because that tract has to be conveyed to the district. B. Ratification of Requisitions 97-100 Ms. Jordan moved to ratify requisitions 97-100 and Mr. Miller seconded the motion. Mr. Rhein asked on page 62 there is builder line items, one called sale prep. What is that and why is it included on the invoice? Because that is coming out of the bonds? DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 7 Ms. Jordan stated we are out of bond funds; this is being paid by the developer. That is site prep. Mr. Rhein stated if it is site prep and not sale prep, I apologize. Mr. Hadden stated that is site prep. Mr. Rhein asked is all this paid by the developer now and not from the bonds? Mr. Hadden stated that is correct. Mr. Rhein asked we ratify this because it is our CDD? Ms. Jordan stated it is still our job to make sure the entire contract is done, even though we are not responsible for these funds. Ms. Buchanan stated we are responsible for these bills because it is a contract between Vallencourt and the CDD, but we no longer have funds to pay these bills and the developer has an obligation to pay them under their completion obligation, which we talked about earlier. When the project is more expensive than the bond proceeds, the developer is obligated to pay the difference. On voice vote with all in favor the motion passed. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Series 2022 Project A. Update Regarding Series 2022 Project Mr. Schofield stated the construction is about 98% complete on the 247 lots to the south, some of the home pads are being poured. The only remaining item is to install the common area buffer landscape plan and that is occurring this week. We are scheduling final inspection with the county; all the utilities have been installed and approved and certified and accepted by Clay Utility. Just working the final punch list and final inspection and working to get this closed out. B. Ratification of Requisitions 96-102 Ms. Jordan moved to ratify requisitions 96-102 and Mr. Miller seconded the motion. Mr. Rhein asked can we get a breakout of what the bond paid for and what the developer is now paying for? DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 8 Ms. Giles stated I maintain a spreadsheet that shows when it got paid, who got paid, how it got paid and if it was paid on a funding request. I will get with the accountant to see which tracker better suits what you are looking for. Would the whole board want to see that or do you just want me to send it to you? Ms. Jordan stated I would be interested in seeing it. On voice vote with all in favor the motion passed. C. Ratification of Change Orders 001-006, 008 Ms. Giles stated this is for change orders 001 – 008 from Pipeline. At the last meeting in your packet it included change orders 003-008, it didn’t have 001 and 002 and we tabled it so you could see all the change orders in the order they have been presented. Ms. Jordan moved to ratify change orders 001-008 and Mr. Miller seconded the motion. Mr. Rhein asked when we are ratifying these we are just ratifying these because it is our duty and because the developer gets 6% in sales tax to use the CDD? District sales tax? Ms. Buchanan stated again, the district has the contract with Pipeline so it is our contract and what these modifications are, are changes that had to be made based on field conditions or other site work conditions or engineering factors that required changes to the existing contract and pricing. In that sense what we are doing is cleaning up our contract documents so when we have our audit they can review this contract and tie it out to the pay applications. Mr. Rhein asked what is the difference between let’s say modification 1 and 2 where we sign whereas the CDD in modification 3 where the developer signs for it? Is that just the lay of the land, where the project is? Ms. Buchanan stated my request is always that the CDD sign these because it is the CDD contract. That is why we are bringing it back to make sure the CDD ratifies it. Mr. Rhein stated I just want my fellow board members to ask the question when we are ratifying these modifications that we ask the question how does this benefit the residents. It should benefit the residents. DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 9 Ms. Jordan stated it benefits the future residents. We have to make sure everything is done and we have to make sure everything is paid. Mr. Rhein asked what is the mobilization fee? Did we go over this last time? Mr. Schofield stated mobilization is what the contractor has to truck in, their equipment and materials, physically mobilize people, equipment and materials to the project. There is a real cost to them moving equipment around. On voice vote the motion passed. The next item taken out of order. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals: A. Riverside Management Services Ms. Giles stated at the last meeting the board asked staff to take the RMS proposal back. One of the comments was the current inflation rate was 4%. I did some math and tallied that what RMS has presented is actually at 4.16% increase from 2023 to 2024. Mr. Soriano stated it was actually Jeff and you were looking at a couple spots that were at 6% and you wanted to negotiate down to 5% but you also asked us to increase some of those hourly people, that the board has talked about multiple times because we do need more staff, we do need more hourly help. We did look at it and adjusted the portion for operations and I came down to about 3%, did not change the expected amenity manager because Freddie is the one here and that helps with things like giving him his annual increase. This brought the whole thing down but we did increase the hourly the way you asked and that ends up keeping the budget flat. Last time you had a certain amount in there for RMS because we increased those hours for the hourly staff and took down the operations, you still ended up washing your budget. There is no change in the overall budget. We do have to adjust the lines to match this if you feel comfortable accepting that decrease the way I set I set it up. Mr. Rhein stated I thought we raised $7,000. Mr. Soriano stated that is a separate line. I want to deal with the RMS proposal first because you asked to negotiate on that. Later you also asked that we increase the facility assistant and it went from $11,000 to $17,000, but that wasn’t included in the original RMS proposal. I just dealt with the negotiation on the RMS proposal and if you look at your budget line we still have that DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 10 $17,000 in there. That has been done so we can get the final number for the budget so you can see whether you had an increase in assessments or a decrease and you didn’t and we were able to get everything done that was requested. Mr. Rhein stated so on the budget it is facility assistant/gate monitor, but the proposal is lifeguards and deck monitors. Mr. Soriano stated yes that facility assistant is more the gate monitor too. The gate monitors end up being your check-in person. Mr. Rhein asked Ms. Jordan, didn’t we want to focus on the gate monitor too? Ms. Jordan stated we do want a gate monitor. I think this budget allows us to have the gate monitor Thursday through Sunday and it also gives us management staff over the weekend as well, right? Mr. Soriano responded yes. It is not like you have to use it towards the same person, the facility assistant or deck monitor. Remember, those positions are billed hourly so this isn’t a contracted amount. If you don’t use the deck monitor that goes back into the district’s budget and sits there and that is surplus for whatever you want to use. If we think it is needed, which we do think the gate monitor is needed that is where the extra goes. Ms. Jordan stated that is only during the summer. Mr. Soriano stated that is the plan, but this year we had issues as early as April and we didn’t have enough money last year to set it up like this. If you want to start the gate monitor earlier that is where we would have put that charge. Ms. Jordan stated I don’t think the gate monitor is the highest priority to invest more money into. It is important but keep them during the season. We didn’t have gate monitors last year or the year before. This is a good step forward I don’t think we are done with the number of people we need on staff but our funds need to be pushed toward repairs instead of more staff. Mr. Rhein asked in order to provide more resources to provide better care for the facility that was discussed previously are we going to consider adding a maintenance guy? Ms. Jordan stated I wanted to discuss that idea with the residents. How problematic is it to have residents assist in what you have? Mr. Soriano stated it does create more work for Freddie and me and when there are volunteers there is no accountability and that still makes us the point of contention if something doesn’t get done because people said they would do it and they don’t show up. There is also a DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 11 liability issue, we can only have them doing certain things. We do this a lot in some districts such as painting a room. We can have volunteers and we set everything up and help out with that and that saves time because now we don’t have to pay the hourly people. The volunteers can be used but we are limited as to how we use them. Ms. Jordan stated we need to know what we can use volunteers for. The budget can be adjusted on where the money is going, it just cannot be increased. I’m okay without an additional maintenance guy this year. Mr. Soriano stated I’m hoping to control the capital expenses this year because we had a big increase last year to build the reserve that was never planned before. We will have enough to do your pool and hopefully, it will not be $300,000 plus we put aside. This is an older neighborhood and a neighborhood that didn’t use enough resources or staff because they didn’t want to spend any extra money. You need one dedicated fulltime maintenance guy to be able to do the things that we point out. We increased your common area maintenance line and your repair and replacement line and that helps getting those hours. That wasn’t an increase to get a fulltime person but that is something you need to look at for next year. Ms. Jordan stated we should look at that for next year but go with what we have right now. Mr. Rhein asked when you say next year. Mr. Soriano stated your next fiscal year. This budget is for fiscal year 2024 and starts October 1 and we didn’t put a fulltime person in here, but that is what I think you need to move towards. We did an increase for hours and there is space in there when you look at common area maintenance and repair and replacement line, that is where a lot of those hours for the maintenance guy comes out of. They might be here three hours this week and eight hours next week; they are not a fulltime 40-hour person. Ms. Jordan stated our budget needs to be approved and done. When we have these meetings in June and you want those increases we can get them in the budget, but when we come to this meeting we should have a grasp of what the budget is going to look like and not ask for more. We have to adopt this budget by a certain date. Ms. Buchanan stated by the 15th if you want to be able to collect your assessments on the tax roll, which is the best way to do it otherwise you are like an HOA sending out bills and expecting checks back. You have to have this done and submitted to the county by September 15th. DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 12 Mr. Soriano stated if I could find a fulltime maintenance guy who is decent at $40,000 a year, people will say I can get a person cheaper. I know the market and I could find somebody cheap but you are not going to get the greatest work. You are still going to have to have another company that will cover liability, insurance and things like that so it is not $40,000 we have to be able to free up $50,000 to $60,000 in your budget. Mr. Rhein stated we have a repair and maintenance line item for $40,000. Mr. Soriano stated that is not all hours; that covers supplies too. Ms. Jordan stated that is where the pool pump and a/c came out of. Ms. Giles asked is there anything else in the RMS proposal to go over? Mr. Soriano responded it was just that change because of the request for negotiation; that is what we worked on. On MOTION by Ms. Jordan seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor the proposal from Riverside Management Services was approved. The next item taken out of order. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Matters A. Overview of Budget Ms. Giles stated this budget has three funds, the general fund, which is the operating funds, the debt service funds for the 2015, 2020 and 2022 bonds and the capital reserve fund. Throughout the budget you are going to see some lines that increase some lines that decrease but overall the budget stays flat, the same in 2024 as it was in 2023 with no increase to the residents. B. Public Hearings On MOTION by Ms. Jordan seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor the public hearings were opened. A resident stated I didn’t review the budget. How would I have looked at the budget? Ms. Giles stated there are copies of the budget on the table, but by Florida Statutes seven days prior to the meeting the agenda is posted to the website, the agenda being the main page but we try to get the entire agenda on the website. DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 13 Ms. Buchanan stated the proposed budget for next year is generally put on the website after it is approved in May. It has been up there a couple of months. Ms. Giles stated this board also had a workshop a couple months ago and every meeting is open to the public whether it is a workshop or regular meeting. On MOTION by Ms. Jordan seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor the public hearings were closed. Ms. Giles stated this is an opportunity for the board to have discussion about Resolution 2023-07 and Resolution 2023-08. Ms. Buchanan stated by way of explanation this is your appropriations resolution, it essentially adopts the budget so based on the conversations we have had tonight or whether you have had any input from the public in any avenue you would be able to make changes and modifications to the budget understanding that you can reallocate between line items or reduce the budget but you cannot increase the total budget. Assuming you are comfortable with the budget that Marilee proposes this resolution actually adopts the budget and incorporates the total funds that are going to be allocated to each fund so the general fund is your operation and maintenance and there is a capital reserve fund and each of the debt series fund would have a budget as well, understanding that the debt service funds essentially are only two items, the collection of assessments in and the payment of the debt service out. The appropriation resolution then further authorizes limited budget amendments allowing the district manager to make any line item movements as long as they are within the limitations of $15,000 or less or 15% of the original appropriations. Anything other than that such as a major budget increase or a very large line item that is beyond the parameter would come back at the end of the year and Marilee will present a budget amendment so that your final budget matches your actual expenditures. C. Consideration of Resolution 2023-07 Relating to the Annual Appropriations and Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 Ms. Jordan moved to approve Resolution 2023-07 and Mr. Miller seconded the motion. DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 14 Mr. Rhein stated we had 761 platted lots on the roll and our net assessment was $1,193.71. On here that total is $908,410.27, but I’m getting $908,413.31. I’m missing like $2 and something. Ms. Giles stated that could be the decimal point how far it is carried out. Mr. Miller stated everything here is what we talked about in the workshop. I don’t see any need to make changes at this time. Ms. Jordan stated we are very happy we are not raising fees. On voice vote the motion passed. D. Consideration of Resolution 2023-08 Imposing Special Assessments and Certifying an Assessment Roll for Fiscal Year 2024 Ms. Buchanan stated Resolution 2023-08 is the resolution that levies the special assessment. Every year the board levies the operation and maintenance special assessment. In section 1 there is a benefit determination meaning that you understand that the services, the improvements the district provides are equal to or more than the special assessments levied on the property. Section 2 actually imposes, creates the lien for the annual operation and maintenance assessment and section 3 identifies how the district is going to collect it. In this district the bulk of your assessment are collected on the tax roll, however, there is a small portion of your budget that is still directly collected from the developer and this resolution identifies the collection schedule for that payment, it is 50% no later than December 1st, 25% no later than February 1st and 25% no later than May 1st. It incorporates the assessment roll that Marilee has and it is essentially a listing of all the plats and the assessment tied to the plat. Every lot has its own line item and that is how Marilee’s office keeps up with who is required to pay what. It does authorize Marilee’s office to make an amendment to the assessment roll in case there are modifications. Mr. Rhein asked what is this changing? Ms. Giles asked the resolution? Mr. Rhein stated yes. Ms. Giles stated it is just a requirement that it be accepted by resolution. Mr. Rhein stated so, no changes, just information, part of the process. Ms. Giles stated yes. DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 15 On MOTION by Ms. Jordan seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor Resolution 2023-08 was approved. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Hearing Regarding Revised Suspension and Termination of Access Rule, Resolution 2023-06 Ms. Buchanan stated we have talked about this before but I will rehash some of the highlights. This provides the process and reasons that someone may be suspended or terminated from using the district’s amenity center facilities. In section 4 there is a list of items that are infractions that you could be subject to suspension for, false information on application, failing to abide by the rental policies, permitting someone else to use your access card, inappropriate behavior or inappropriate attire, failing to pay amounts owed to the district, failing to follow the rules or policies, treating staff or representatives in an abusive manner, damaging district property, engaging in conduct that is likely to endanger the health, safety or welfare of the district or others, committing or alleged to have committed a crime, continuing to have poor behavior after a warning has been issued or if your guests aren’t complying with all these things. Essentially it is just a policy that says you are supposed to be respectful and comply with the district’s rules and if you don’t then the district staff can give an immediate suspension, if the violation is so flagrant that they feel it is necessary to remove you from the amenities or you can do a temporary suspension or they could in consultation with Marilee’s office issue a suspension that is effective until the next board meeting. There are options and you are going to depend on your amenity management team for guidance. It goes through the hearing process and we give the resident an opportunity to come before the board to present their case. The other thing it does that is important is that if someone were to damage district property and that person was identified it authorizes the continued suspension of that person until the damages are fixed or paid for. On MOTION by Ms. Jordan seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor the public hearing was opened. A resident asked who would enforce this? It doesn’t seem like we have senior team on the weekend and it may just be young kids trying to keep the peace out there. How does that work? Mr. Soriano stated this is the first year you have a weekend assistant. She is college age, but Freddie is here many times on the weekends but not a full 8-hour day. One person can’t be DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 16 here for everything. We have an assistant that is new and that has definitely helped out. Last year we couldn’t keep lifeguards because they were getting yelled out and cussed out and threatened by adults. When the young lifeguards feel supported by everybody by having this in place they can make a report and bring it to you. We will get witness statements and they will be suspended. Ms. Alcott asked what is the pool season? What are the hours? Ms. Jordan stated the pool is open from sunup to sundown. I think the gate locks at 8 p.m. If you see someone on the pool deck after those hours call any board member and the police. A resident asked did the guest policy get rewritten? Because at one point you were talking about it being vague as to what age you were allowed to bring a guest. Ms. Jordan stated it is 18 to bring anybody under the age of 18 and 14 to come on the pool deck alone. A resident asked the person who sits at the gate now, should they be monitoring that? Ms. Jordan stated they should. Mr. Soriano stated the hard part is we don’t know their ages. You don’t have a card system that allows you to see their age. Unless it is obvious that is an 8 year old bringing friends. A resident stated most high schoolers are not 18 and it is easy to see a group of high school kids bringing in people. It is better than last year but a long way from being good. Also the tennis courts are being abused by kids on skateboards who are also very rude. Mr. Soriano stated that is an instance where if we have a witness we can suspend their amenity privileges. On MOTION by Ms. Jordan seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor the public hearing was closed. Ms. Jordan stated I would add the tennis courts in the list. Ms. Buchanan stated it is pretty generic to cover all the amenities, it doesn’t go into detail, just district property. On MOTION by Ms. Jordan seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor Resolution 2023-06 was approved. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals: DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 17 B. Riverside Management Services This item taken earlier in the meeting. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Acceptance of Fiscal Year 2023 Audit This item taken later in the meeting. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Matters This item taken earlier in the meeting. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney There being none, the next item followed. B. Engineer There being none, the next item followed. C. Manager -Discussion of Fiscal Year 2024 Meeting Schedule Mr. Rhein asked is there a better time for GMS because I would like more time to review the agenda? I would like more time to go through the agenda once it is released I would like more than seven days. Ms. Jordan stated I’m not sure why you need more time, seven days is plenty of time for me to read it. Seven days is a long time to read these documents. On MOTION by Mr. Miller seconded by Ms. Jordan with all in favor the fiscal year 2024 meeting schedule was approved reflecting the following dates: October 10, 2023, December 12, 2023, February 13, 2024, April 9, 2024, June 11, 2024 and August 13, 2024. D. Operations/Amenity Manager 1. Report A copy of the report was included in the agenda package. 2. Monthly quality Inspection Report DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 18 THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests This item taken later in the meeting. FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments This item taken later in the meeting. FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports A. Balance Sheet & Income Statement A copy of the balance sheet and income statement were included in the agenda package. B. Assessment Receipt Schedule A copy of the assessment receipt schedule was included in the agenda package. C. Check Register On MOTION by Ms. Jordan seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor the check registers were approved. The next item taken out of order. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Acceptance of Fiscal Year 2023 Audit Ms. Giles stated in the letter to management they did not identify any deficiencies in internal controls that are considered to be a material weakness and the district complied in all material respects with the requirements for fiscal year ending September 30, 2022. This is a clean audit, no significant findings in the prior or current year. On MOTION by Ms. Jordan seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor the fiscal year 2023 audit was accepted. The next item taken out of order. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 19 Mr. Rhein stated I know we had a discussion about cameras. I have a dog and I walk around the block and there are dogs taking dumps on the sidewalk or by a trashcan. I don’t know what our options may be. Mr. Soriano stated we looked at the area and the problem is not a set a trees nearby that I can put a game camera on, that is an open corner. Ms. Jordan stated that falls more under the HOA than us. Mr. Soriano stated the problem is on district property. The HOA does have that in the covenants and it includes areas that they don’t own and I think we need to get them involved but it is something occurring on our property but we don’t have any other way to combat it. Mr. Rhein stated you are talking about dog stations but then we are adding continuing costs. Mr. Soriano stated it adds to the thought of a nice amenity but there was a trashcan four feet away and they didn’t use it. I don’t know that it is going to help, but it would look better than a regular trashcan. A doggie station has to be changed out a little more frequent than a trashcan and there are continuing expenses. FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Mr. Finney stated thanks for letting me be part of the process. The only thing that felt strange to me was the budget not being managed as well as it could. The appointment of the new board member who is not here and there is not a full board to vote on that appointment. It feels like it could have been handled in a different more calm way. It seemed like it was a rushed process and that person was not here anyway and there was a person here who was applying for that position. It just felt like not a great process. Ms. Jordan stated the last board member moved between meetings and we only meet every other month to open the position then the next meeting is two months later. This has been a very long process. The other individual has been on this board before and he is stuck in traffic. Ms. Alcott stated I concur, I thought it was rushed. SIXTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting to be determined 2023 @ 6:00 p.m. at Rolling Hills Amenity Center Ms. Giles stated the next meeting is October 10, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at this location. DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87 August 15, 2023 Rolling Hills CDD 20 On MOTION by Ms. Jordan seconded by Mr. Miller with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: DC23BCB8-6CE6-4A95-B4F6-05FC4B924E87