4/Approved Rolling Hills Community Development District Approved Proposed Budget FY 2025 1-2 34-789 11581111112--00123471169 Table of Contents Capital RGeesneerrvael FFuunndd Series 2020A1 aDnedb At 2S eArmviocert Fizuantido nSe Srcihese d2u0l2e0s SSeerriieeDDssee 22bb00tt11 SS55eeAArrvv12ii ccAAeemm FFoouurrnnttddiizz aaSStteeiirrooiinnee ssSS 22cchh00ee11dd55uuAAll12ee SerieDse 2b0t1 S5eArv3i cAem Fourntdiz aSteiroine sS 2ch0e1d5uAl3e Assessment Schedule Narratives Series 2022A1 aDnedb At 2S eArmviocert Fizuantido nSe Srcihese d2u0l2e2s Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j eMctoendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru APFBrpYopu 2prdo0ogv2seete5dd REVENUES: ISSFAnpwastecseiicemlriisaet s&ylsm At RT/seMeesnnnetitsssnac si-ls.m DFI Pneeirrcenoeostcgsmtr - aeP Omlan tF tReeoedlsl $ 90 1348,,,,356400510000 - $ 8 64 1395,,,,1583 11437702200 5 121,,,089 40020$0060 - $ 1824 3415,,,,5937 51457702080 $1,26 346,,56 5,00008000 -1 TOTAL REVENUES $ 917,860 $ 920,024 $ 56,126 $ 976,150 $ 1,274,681 EXPENDITURES: Administrative: ISFLPPETTBGAAAAODDMWnuroIenifaeutrrsenafsCeftipgsnnbulgsionennsoebcAaetieekissureaptnestralsrt,r i mgrm Ta iFnhAgeLsnevSatealeemeeeoaui lgdeiaimAgc rsn yexL n &tpFve&Aeeo useiaFeiepe eonn aR drstd DnaeeBrlnsbit mineiFetoset eeti iA bisTdnellFnssisiiadne dvete iO&Atnsymiceieestnggh s r&Shtieg ynnruen aoPibrtstlu sCtioobcrhgranlyaiit cpri ogOtienfosfincsials Insurance $111124 111122278000146,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000022458000019 115560000000050005680001700000000000023300025 $112 1134589066,,,,,,,,,,0002689012 112233470002355046 9000145570000233003800112257 - $1 1134498,,,,,,,0012467 112225780000694000355780000792 200000167 ---- $11114 111277900468,,,,,,,,,,,,002446800169 113455690000002005680025678800000020022300122359 $111124 111122278000067,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 000022459015666 115560000000570006780001700000002800012300025 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE $ 141,234 $ 88,697 $ 45,304 $ 134,001 $ 144,833 Rolling Hills Community Development District Approved Proposed Budget General Fund Page 1 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j eMctoendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru APFBrpYopu 2prdo0ogv2seete5dd Rolling Hills Community Development District Approved Proposed Budget General Fund Operations & Maintenance Field Operations ILLLRUOMMraaaeptiruiknnspelilicgddecratea haissiMrelttcclsisiaaaaoo n&ppi-nnn eeeI stMRor -e rMu enaCipsgiaaonaannntitcaretieogisnnenagm n&ecen eSncttyreetlights $ 1112348 50044555 ,,,,,,,, 70000026 10000006 90000002 - $ 1124 13441478,,,,,,,,577902382269077835881668 - $ 11113 24502558,,,,,,,,006022690070127700501236 - $ 12338 456904557,,,,,,,,,357904469269906799588801237 $ 1112349 50445556 ,,,,,,,, 70001122 50000447 00000027 - Total Field Operations $ 229,581 $ 116,555 $ 103,757 $ 220,312 $ 245,509 Amenity Center Operations JISSFFCPPPPRRRUOanepeoooaaaeeeptncsireccpfcpoooeliuuumiiciritrallllltts irroiieCAMaiiaattieriaearttyyhtllt snsit aiSyEOtn ea iAMice&eovnmlguernsn aettMvSsdie nnlcuPitaancaata/apynsaeiglGspnstnesasltmceieteesenes aMnntocneitor $ 11111244456 17800014555577 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 002000000566674 000000000256697 000000000445785 - $ 12233 3445568913449,,,,,,,,,,,,,144456890014900267789011471235667701255 --- $ 111223 1245578114589,,,,,,,,,,,,,0357889000138 40145558000567700124790002395 -- $ 1111111133446 160112345556788,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,030000113455569 402001112236788970400111567789995 $ 111112234457 18000001555779 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 000000000556774 000000000025677 000000000024675 - Total Amenity Center Operations $ 358,983 $ 181,070 $ 166,171 $ 347,241 $ 371,694 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 729,798 $ 386,322 $ 315,232 $ 701,554 $ 762,036 Other Sources/(Uses) Interfund Transfer Out - Cap Reserve (188,062) (188,062) - (188,062) (512,645) TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ (188,062) $ (188,062) $ - $ (188,062) $ (512,645) EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ - $ 345,640 $ (259,106) $ 86,534 $ - Page 2 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru APFBrpYopu p2rdoo0gvse2ete5dd REVENUES: ICCnaatrperirtyae lFs Rto Iernswceaorrvmdee -BTarlaannscfeer In 153878,,0446$02 - 13$78 889,,,801768725 $ 9,000 -- 13 178789,,,801768725 $15 114022,,,068024045 TOTAL REVENUES $ 725,502 $ 576,124 $ 9,000 $ 585,124 $ 665,469 EXPENDITURES: Capital Outlay $ 442,300 $ 320,755 $ 121,545 $ 442,300 $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 442,300 $ 320,755 $ 121,545 $ 442,300 $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 442,300 $ 320,755 $ 121,545 $ 442,300 $ - EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 283,202 $ 255,369 $ (112,545) $ 142,824 $ 665,469 Capital Reserve Study Description FY 2025- Reserve Study ICERAnxoentpsnteieetrcrnreivipdsbeaituts tIute nBirdocee noBgssmianleannincge of Year $$$$$ 146 1239 0019 ,,,, 0449 0899 0448 -....00000000 Budget Fiscal Year 2024 Description Projected FY 2025 ICERAnxoentpsnteieetrcrnreivipdsbeaituts tIute nBirdocee noBgssmianleannincge of Year $$$$ $ 156 1146 0225 ,,,, 0684 -02460459 Variance Reserve Study Vs Actual $ 34,481.00 Rolling Hills Community Development District Proposed Budget Capital Reserve Fund Page 3 Arbitrage Rebate The residents may rent the facilities for personal use. Swim & Tennis Program Fees Facility Rental Fees Represents fees collected for the use of Pool and Tennis amenities. Telephone and fax machine. Postage and Delivery Mailing of checks, payroll, overnight deliveries, correspondence, etc. Rolling Hills Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 REVENUES Annual Audit TheDistrict's legalcounsel,Kutak Rock LLP ,willbeprovidinggenerallegalservices totheDistrict,preparation for monthly meetings, preparation and review of agreements, resolutions, etc. includingattendanceand Interest/Misc. Income The District earns interest on the monthly average collected balance for each of their investment accounts. Expenditures - Administrative Supervisors Fees The District may compensate supervisors up to $200 per meeting with a maximum amount of $4,800 per year. FICA Taxes Represents District’s share of Social Security and Medicare Taxes withheld from supervisor’s fees. District Engineering Fees pTrheepDarisattrioicnt fwori lmlcoonntthrlayc btowaritdh maneeetninggins,e reerviniegwfi rinmvotoicepsr,o evtcid.egeneralengineeringservicestotheDistrict,includingattendanceand District Attorney Fees Information Technology lTehaeseDdi sbtyr iGcotvperrnomceesnsetasl aMllaonfaitgsemfineannt cSiearlvaiccetisv, LitLieCs,. i ncludingaccountspayable,financialstatements,etc.onamainframecomputer Website Maintenance uPeserfCuhl wapetbesri2te0s1 r4e-g2a2r,dLianwg CsoomfFplloiarnidcae, iaslsluDeiss.t rTichtiss wmeubsstihtea vweilal wbee mbsaiitnettaoinperdo bvyid GeMdSe-tSaFil,e LdLiCn faonrdm uaptidoanteodn mthoentChDlyD.aswellaslinksto Telephone The District is required annually to conduct an audit of its financial records by an Independent Certified Public Accounting Firm. Grau Assessment Roll Administration dTehbet Dseisrtvriiccet ahsassescsomnternatcst etod twheit ChoGuonvteyr nTmaxe CnotallleMctaonr.agement Services forthecertificationoftheDistrict’sannualmaintenanceand Dissemination Agent rTehpeoDrtisintrgi crteqisurireeqmuiernetds bfoyrt uhnerSeelcauterdit yboanndd iEsxscuheasn. gTehCe oDmismtriiscsti hoanst coocnotmrapcltyedw witihthR GuMleS1, 5L(LcC)( t2o) -p1r2o(vbi)d(e5 t)h,wis hsiecrhvriceela.testoadditional tTAhh1e/e DADi2isstBtrroiicncttd. sis.rTehqeuDiriesdtrtioctanwnilulaclloynhtraavcetawniathrbaitcreargteifrieedbaptuebclaiclcauclactoiuonntoinngthfiremDitsotrcicatlc’uSlaetreietsh2e0r1eb5aAte1/liAa2b/ilAit3y,a2n0d20suAb1m/Ait2reapnodr2t0s2to2 Trustee Fees I2Tm0h2ep0rDAoivs1te/rmAic2etnCitsa RpsuietevadelnI$mu2ep,5 ar0no0dv, 0eRm0e0feunontfdRSineevrgi eBensoun2ed0Rs1e 5wfuAhn-i1dc,hin$ ag1rB,e9 o3hn0edl,0ds0 ba0yn odaf $TS6re,u1rsi3et0se,e02 a00t01 U5o.ASf.S- Be2ra,in$ek3s., 82 5002,20A010aonfdSe$r4i,e7s402,001050Ao-f3S,e$r4ie,4s6250,02020Ao2fCSaepriiteasl District Management Fees TheDistrictreceivesManagement,AccountingandAdministrativeservicesaspartofaManagementAgreementwithGovernmental Management Services, LLC . Page 4 Rolling Hills Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 Account No. Description Monthly Annually Clay CCloanyt CEinloegucentnrtciyyc Utility Authority ********************************2222466824457889 3599 $$$$1$$$$113,3348337757785557 0 $$$$$$1112486$$$,,,,,,001562445004470247002440046 Total $35,000 2404-1 Rolling View Blvd. The District has utility accounts with the following providers for irrigation and lighting: iTrhreigaDtiisotnr iacntdh masaicnotnentraancctee dcowntirthacRtsiv.erside Management Services toprovideoversightofdailyoperationsofthecommonareas, 233234134468 --R11o BBllrrinaaddg llVeeyyie CCwrr eeBeelkkv dDD.rr.. 3333222211112225----1223 BBBBrrrraaaaddddlllleeeeyyyy CCCCrrrreeeeeeeekkkk IRRRreeerccciglllaaaaiiitmmmion Operations Management Utilities - Irrigation & Streetlights Repairs & Maintenance Bank Fees and Other Charges This includes monthly bank charges and any other miscellaneous expenses that incur during the year. Office Supplies Insurance General Liability pTrhoevDidisitnrgi cint'ssuGraennceer acloLviearbailgiety to& gPouvbelrincmOfefnictiaall sagLeinabciielist.yInsurancepolicyiswithFloridaInsuranceAlliance(FIA).FIAspecializesin The District is required to advertise various notices for monthly Board meetings, public hearings etc. Printing and Binding Printing of computerized checks, stationery, envelopes etc. Legal Advertising Miscellaneous office supplies. cTahteegDoisrtyr fioctr itshree Dqiusitrreicdtt.opayanannualfeetotheDepartmentofEconomicOpportunityfor$175.Thisistheonlyexpenseunderthis Expenditures – Field Operations Due, Licenses & Subscriptions Expenditures - Administrative (continued) Represents repairs and maintenance as needed. Page 5 Rolling Hills Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 Account No. Description Monthly Annually Clay Electric Cooperative CCClooanmyt cCinaogsuetnntcyy Utility Authority *******************39*45*17**1030 $$$333,5056000 $$$$43442,,,,246700820000 Total $55,000 The District has contracted with the Clay County Sheriff’s Office to provide part time security covering the community. dTuhmepDsistetrri tcot bhea esmcpotniterda octnecde aw witehekG.F L Environmental fortherefusecontainerremoval.Thecontractisforone2yardfrontload Utilities - Electric, Water, Cable, Internet & Telephone 33Ca22b11l22e -/B4Irn Batrdearlednylee Cty/r TCereeeklee Dpkhr D.orn.e Security Expenditures – Amenity Center Operations Facility Management Facility Asst/Gate Monitor Pool Attendants Refuse Service aTchceorDdisatnrcicet whiaths tchoenitrr caocntetdrawcti.t hRiverside Management Services tostafftheamenitycenterandmanagethedaytodayoperationsin sTthaeffiDnigs atrt ipcotohlass focro nchtreaccktiendg wini rthesRidivenertss iadnedM thaeniarg geumeesntst fSoerr fvaiccielistyfo ursWageee.kendandHolidayfacility management,and/ortoprovide eTnhfeorDciesmtreicntt hoaf spocooln rturalecst eaddowpittehdR biyve trhseid DeisMtraincat.g ement Services toprovidepoolattendantsfortheDistrict’swaterslide,safetyand Expenditures – Field Operations (continued) lTahbeorD, iesqtruiicptmheanstc, hoenrtbraiccitdeeds,w anitdh tTehchenLoalkoegyD tooc tcoornstrfoolr inmvoarseivaeq pulaatnictsp alnandt amlgaaen.a gementofthecommunity’slakes.Servicesprovide Represents a contingency for mulch installation, sod repairs/replacement, plant replacements and new common areas to maintain. Mulch Lake Maintenance Irrigation Repairs cTohnistrraecptreeds wenitths lTarnedes Acmapigeoms.aintenanceofalltheDistrictproperty,toincludemowing,weeding,trimming,pruningetc.TheDistrictis Landscape Landscape - Contingency Represents cost to install mulch throughout the district. Represents irrigation repairs as needed Page 6 Rolling Hills Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 •A/C unit quarterly maintenance by Mechanical Solutions Pickle Ball Court Half Court Basket Ball Courts Tennis Court LED Lights Tennis Court Wind Screens Dog Park Garden Golf Area Additional Security Cameras Flock Cameras Amenity Building Paint Insurance Pool Maintenance Special Events Operating Supplies Pool Chemicals Permit Repairs & Maintenance Janitorial The District will incur various cost associated with the overall maintenance of the District’s amenity center to include: •Quarterly pressure wash ••••LPPAauingimnnhuttpi arnsle g aipnnasditr amsl laoanttoidor nn mewai nbtuel nbaaslln/ fbcaeca ilalliantsdyt sraerpeaasirs Expenditures – Amenity Center Operations (continued) TThhee DDiissttrriicctt hhaass ccoonnttrraacctteedd wwiitthh RRiivveerrssiiddee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSeerrvviicceess ffoorr tthhee wmeoenkthlyly c lcelaenanining ga nodf t mhea icnltuebnhaonucsee o. f the pools. The District will host certain special events throughout the year for the residents of the community. Any supplies and chemicals needed for the daily upkeep and operation of the Amenity Center. The District purchases all necessary chemicals from Poolsure for the swimming pool. Represents cost for the various permits required for the operation of the amenity center. gTohveeDrnismtreinctt’asl aPgreonpceiretsy. InsurancepolicyiswithFloridaInsuranceAlliance(FIA).FIAspecializesinprovidinginsurancecoverageto Expenditures – Other Sources/(Uses) Funds are transferred to the Capital Reserve to fund restoration and refurbishment projects as approved by the Board of Supervisors. Transfer Out-Capital Reserve Special Projects: cAo purrotjse.ct to restripe an existing tennis court to create a pickle ball court, estimate is $10,000 per court, with plans to convert 6 A project to convert and existing tennis court to two half court basketball courts. A project to add LED lights to tennis courts. A project to add wind screens to tennis courts. A project to add a community dog park. An area beautification of the Amenity Center referred to as Garden Golf Area. 4 new cameras and repeaters New cameras A project to paint the exterior of the Amenity building. Page 7 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru APFBrpYopu p2rdoo0gvse2ete5dd REVENUES: ISCnpaterecrriyae lFs Ato Esrswaerasnrsidnm gSesunrtps-luOsn ( R1)oll $ 1 5764,,408051 - $ 1 56 560,,,628450669 $ 13,192 -- $ 1 57 564,,,620450661 $ 1 6702,,088001 - TOTAL REVENUES $ 230,486 $ 222,711 $ 13,192 $ 235,902 $ 232,881 EXPENDITURES: IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- - 01 0155///000111 $ 448555,,,044011011 $ 45,411 -- 4855,,0401$01 - $ 448555,,,044011011 $ 449033,,,022033033 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 175,823 $ 45,411 $ 130,411 $ 175,823 $ 176,466 Other Sources/(Uses) Interfund transfer In/(Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 175,823 $ 45,411 $ 130,411 $ 175,823 $ 176,466 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 54,664 $ 177,300 $ (117,220) $ 60,080 $ 56,414 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement $$ 4400,,992266..8888 Rolling Hills Community Development District Approved Proposed Budget Debt Service Series 2015-A1 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds Interest Due 11/1/25 Page 8 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 11/01/22 $ 1,740,000 5.125% $ 47,461 47,461.25 05/01/23 1,740,000 5.125% 80,000 47,461 11/01/23 1,660,000 5.125% 45,411 172,872.50 05/01/24 1,660,000 5.125% 85,000 45,411 11/01/24 1,575,000 5.125% 43,233 173,644.38 05/01/25 1,575,000 5.125% 90,000 43,233 11/01/25 1,485,000 5.125% 40,927 174,160.00 05/01/26 1,485,000 5.125% 95,000 40,927 11/01/26 1,390,000 5.125% 38,493 174,419.38 05/01/27 1,390,000 5.450% 100,000 38,493 11/01/27 1,290,000 5.450% 35,768 174,260.00 05/01/28 1,290,000 5.450% 110,000 35,768 11/01/28 1,180,000 5.450% 32,770 178,537.50 05/01/29 1,180,000 5.450% 115,000 32,770 11/01/29 1,065,000 5.450% 29,636 177,406.25 05/01/30 1,065,000 5.450% 120,000 29,636 11/01/30 945,000 5.450% 26,366 176,002.50 05/01/31 945,000 5.450% 125,000 26,366 11/01/31 820,000 5.450% 22,960 174,326.25 05/01/32 820,000 5.600% 120,000 22,960 11/01/32 700,000 5.600% 19,600 162,560.00 05/01/33 700,000 5.600% 125,000 19,600 11/01/33 575,000 5.600% 16,100 160,700.00 05/01/34 575,000 5.600% 130,000 16,100 11/01/34 445,000 5.600% 12,460 158,560.00 05/01/35 445,000 5.600% 140,000 12,460 11/01/35 305,000 5.600% 8,540 161,000.00 05/01/36 305,000 5.600% 150,000 8,540 11/01/36 155,000 5.600% 4,340 162,880.00 05/01/37 155,000 5.600% 155,000 4,340 159,340.00 Total $ 1,740,000 $ 848,130 $ 2,588,130 Rolling Hills Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2015-A1 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds Page 9 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru APFBrpYopu p2rdoo0gvse2ete5dd REVENUES: ISCnpaterecrriyae lFs Ato Esrswaerasnrsidnm gSesunrtps-luOsn ( R1)oll $ 1 4386,,381030 - $ 1 42 597,,,503450397 $ 9,4 59830 - $ 1 43 696,,,108250390 $ 1 6306,,089050 - TOTAL REVENUES $ 185,113 $ 181,909 $ 10,073 $ 191,982 $ 196,895 EXPENDITURES: IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- - 01 0155///000111 $ 336055,,,099044044 $ 35,944 -- 3605,,0904$04 - $ 336055,,,099044044 $ 336445,,,044000066 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 131,888 $ 35,944 $ 95,944 $ 131,888 $ 133,813 Other Sources/(Uses) Interfund transfer In/(Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 131,888 $ 35,944 $ 95,944 $ 131,888 $ 133,813 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 53,226 $ 145,965 $ (85,870) $ 60,095 $ 63,082 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement $$ 3322,,774400..6633 Rolling Hills Community Development District Approved Proposed Budget Debt Service Series 2015-A2 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds Interest Due 11/1/25 Page 10 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 11/01/23 $ 1,320,000 5.125% $ 35,944 35,943.75 05/01/24 1,320,000 5.125% 60,000 35,944 11/01/24 1,260,000 5.125% 34,406 130,350.00 05/01/25 1,260,000 5.125% 65,000 34,406 11/01/25 1,195,000 5.125% 32,741 132,146.88 05/01/26 1,195,000 5.125% 65,000 32,741 11/01/26 1,130,000 5.500% 31,075 128,815.63 05/01/27 1,130,000 5.500% 80,000 31,075 11/01/27 1,050,000 5.500% 28,875 139,950.00 05/01/28 1,050,000 5.500% 80,000 28,875 11/01/28 970,000 5.500% 26,675 135,550.00 05/01/29 970,000 5.500% 85,000 26,675 11/01/29 885,000 5.500% 24,338 136,012.50 05/01/30 885,000 5.500% 90,000 24,338 11/01/30 795,000 5.500% 21,863 136,200.00 05/01/31 795,000 5.500% 95,000 21,863 11/01/31 700,000 5.500% 19,250 136,112.50 05/01/32 700,000 5.500% 100,000 19,250 11/01/32 600,000 5.500% 16,500 135,750.00 05/01/33 600,000 5.500% 105,000 16,500 11/01/33 495,000 5.500% 13,613 135,112.50 05/01/34 495,000 5.500% 115,000 13,613 11/01/34 380,000 5.500% 10,450 139,062.50 05/01/35 380,000 5.500% 120,000 10,450 11/01/35 260,000 5.500% 7,150 137,600.00 05/01/36 260,000 5.500% 130,000 7,150 11/01/36 130,000 5.500% 3,575 140,725.00 05/01/37 130,000 5.500% 130,000 3,575 133,575.00 Total $ 1,320,000 $ 612,906 $ 1,932,906 Rolling Hills Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2015-A2 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds Page 11 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru APFBrpYopu p2rdoo0gvse2ete5dd REVENUES: ISCnpaterecrriyae lFs Ato Esrswaerasnrsidnm gSesunrtps-luOsn ( R1)oll $ 1414,,458901 - $ 1347,,68 8176463 $ 3,6 10570 - $ 14 114,,,046118316 $ 1407,,665958 - TOTAL REVENUES $ 56,071 $ 53,353 $ 3,757 $ 57,110 $ 58,354 EXPENDITURES: IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- - 01 0155///000111 $ 111225,,,022022088 $ 12,228 -- 1125,,0202$08 - $ 111225,,,022022088 $ 111115,,,077022055 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 39,455 $ 12,228 $ 27,228 $ 39,455 $ 38,450 Other Sources/(Uses) Interfund transfer In/(Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 39,455 $ 12,228 $ 27,228 $ 39,455 $ 38,450 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 16,616 $ 41,126 $ (23,470) $ 17,655 $ 19,904 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement $$ 1111,,222222..5500 Rolling Hills Community Development District Approved Proposed Budget Debt Service Series 2015-A3 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds Interest Due 11/1/25 Page 12 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 11/01/22 $ 380,000 6.700% $ 12,730 12,730.00 05/01/23 380,000 6.700% 15,000 12,730 11/01/23 365,000 6.700% 12,228 39,957.50 05/01/24 365,000 6.700% 15,000 12,228 11/01/24 350,000 6.700% 11,725 38,952.50 05/01/25 350,000 6.700% 15,000 11,725 11/01/25 335,000 6.700% 11,223 37,947.50 05/01/26 335,000 6.700% 20,000 11,223 11/01/26 315,000 6.700% 10,553 41,775.00 05/01/27 315,000 6.700% 20,000 10,553 11/01/27 295,000 6.700% 9,883 40,435.00 05/01/28 295,000 6.700% 20,000 9,883 11/01/28 275,000 6.700% 9,213 39,095.00 05/01/29 275,000 6.700% 25,000 9,213 11/01/29 250,000 6.700% 8,375 42,587.50 05/01/30 250,000 6.700% 25,000 8,375 11/01/30 225,000 6.700% 7,538 40,912.50 05/01/31 225,000 6.700% 25,000 7,538 11/01/31 200,000 6.700% 6,700 39,237.50 05/01/32 200,000 6.700% 30,000 6,700 11/01/32 170,000 6.700% 5,695 42,395.00 05/01/33 170,000 6.700% 30,000 5,695 11/01/33 140,000 6.700% 4,690 40,385.00 05/01/34 140,000 6.700% 30,000 4,690 11/01/34 110,000 6.700% 3,685 38,375.00 05/01/35 110,000 6.700% 35,000 3,685 11/01/35 75,000 6.700% 2,513 41,197.50 05/01/36 75,000 6.700% 35,000 2,513 11/01/36 40,000 6.700% 1,340 38,852.50 05/01/37 40,000 6.700% 40,000 1,340 41,340.00 Total $ 380,000 $ 236,175 $ 616,175 Rolling Hills Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2015-A3 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds Page 13 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru APFBrpYopu p2rdoo0gvse2ete5dd REVENUES: ISSSCPnppprateeeerepcccrriiiyaaaaey lllFs mAAAto Esssressswaneeertasssnsrsssidnmmm gSeeesunnnrtttpsss lAAAu -s121 (---1DDO) iinrree Rccottll $ $1 666785,,,259148341 - $26 155635025603,,,,,,012928124634478867 $1 30,,829956 ---- $$26 156635056703,,,,,,011228124634334867 $ 1 276083,,,793373588 - TOTAL REVENUES $ 301,738 $ 1,068,440 $ 14,191 $ 1,082,631 $ 263,050 EXPENDITURES: Series 2020 A1 IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- - 01 0155///000111 $ 555077,,,055011033 $ 57,513 -- 5507,,0501$03 - $ 555077,,,055011033 $ 555066,,,066066099 Series 2020 A2 IIISSSnnnpppttteeeeeecccrrriiiaaaeeelllsss CCCttt aaa--- lll001lll 125--- ///00100112511///111 3333,,001133 ---- 1 138030,,,000 101010309 -- 5 2985,,500000 ---- 15 1238903805,,,,,00500 1001001003009 1144,,336699 --- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 231,050 $ 280,644 $ 731,013 $ 1,011,657 $ 192,075 Other Sources/(Uses) Interfund transfer In/(Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 231,050 $ 280,644 $ 731,013 $ 1,011,657 $ 192,075 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 70,688 $ 787,796 $ (716,821) $ 70,975 $ 70,975 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement Interest Due 11/1/25 $$$ 157045,,,138269358...077055 Rolling Hills Community Development District Approved Proposed Budget Debt Service Series 2020-A1/A2 Capital Improvement Revenue and Refunding Bonds Interest Due 11/1/25 Page 14 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 05/01/21 $ 2,585,000 3.375% $ 40,000 $ 63,445 - 11/01/21 2,545,000 3.375% - 59,116 162,560.13 05/01/22 2,545,000 3.375% 45,000 59,116 11/01/22 2,500,000 3.375% - 58,356 162,471.88 05/01/23 2,500,000 3.375% 50,000 58,356 11/01/23 2,450,000 3.375% - 57,513 165,868.75 05/01/24 2,450,000 3.375% 50,000 57,513 11/01/24 2,400,000 3.375% - 56,669 164,181.25 05/01/25 2,400,000 3.375% 50,000 56,669 11/01/25 2,350,000 3.875% - 55,825 162,493.75 05/01/26 2,350,000 3.875% 55,000 55,825 11/01/26 2,295,000 3.875% - 54,759 165,584.38 05/01/27 2,295,000 3.875% 55,000 54,759 11/01/27 2,240,000 3.875% - 53,694 163,453.13 05/01/28 2,240,000 3.875% 55,000 53,694 11/01/28 2,185,000 3.875% - 52,628 161,321.88 05/01/29 2,185,000 3.875% 60,000 52,628 11/01/29 2,125,000 3.875% - 51,466 164,093.75 05/01/30 2,125,000 3.875% 60,000 51,466 11/01/30 2,065,000 4.625% - 50,303 161,768.75 05/01/31 2,065,000 4.625% 65,000 50,303 11/01/31 2,000,000 4.625% - 48,800 164,103.13 05/01/32 2,000,000 4.625% 70,000 48,800 11/01/32 1,930,000 4.625% - 47,181 165,981.25 05/01/33 1,930,000 4.625% 70,000 47,181 11/01/33 1,860,000 4.625% - 45,563 162,743.75 05/01/34 1,860,000 4.625% 75,000 45,563 11/01/34 1,785,000 4.625% - 43,828 164,390.63 05/01/35 1,785,000 4.625% 75,000 43,828 11/01/35 1,710,000 4.625% - 42,094 160,921.88 05/01/36 1,710,000 4.625% 80,000 42,094 11/01/36 1,630,000 4.625% - 40,244 162,337.50 05/01/37 1,630,000 4.625% 85,000 40,244 11/01/37 1,545,000 4.625% - 38,278 163,521.88 05/01/38 1,545,000 4.625% 90,000 38,278 11/01/38 1,455,000 4.625% - 36,197 164,475.00 05/01/39 1,455,000 4.625% 95,000 36,197 11/01/39 1,360,000 4.625% - 34,000 165,196.88 05/01/40 1,360,000 4.625% 100,000 34,000 11/01/40 1,260,000 4.875% - 31,688 165,687.50 05/01/41 1,260,000 4.875% 105,000 31,688 11/01/41 1,155,000 4.875% - 29,128 165,815.63 05/01/42 1,155,000 4.875% 110,000 29,128 11/01/42 1,045,000 4.875% - 26,447 165,575.00 05/01/43 1,045,000 4.875% 115,000 26,447 11/01/43 930,000 4.875% - 23,644 165,090.63 05/01/44 930,000 4.875% 120,000 23,644 11/01/44 810,000 4.875% - 20,719 164,362.50 05/01/45 810,000 4.875% 125,000 20,719 11/01/45 685,000 4.875% - 17,672 163,390.63 05/01/46 685,000 4.875% 130,000 17,672 11/01/46 555,000 4.875% - 14,503 162,175.00 05/01/47 555,000 4.875% 140,000 14,503 11/01/47 415,000 4.875% - 11,091 165,593.75 05/01/48 415,000 4.875% 145,000 11,091 11/01/48 270,000 4.875% - 7,556 163,646.88 05/01/49 270,000 4.875% 150,000 7,556 11/01/49 120,000 4.875% - 3,900 161,456.25 05/01/50 120,000 4.875% 160,000 3,900 163,900.00 Total $ 2,625,000 $ 2,289,163 $ 4,914,163 Rolling Hills Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2020-A1 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds Page 15 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 05/01/21 $ 1,840,000 4.750% $ - $ 46,371 - 11/01/21 1,840,000 4.750% - 43,700 90,070.56 05/01/22 1,840,000 4.750% 425,000 43,700 08/01/22 1,415,000 4.750% 25,000 297 493,996.88 11/01/22 1,390,000 4.750% - 33,013 05/01/23 1,390,000 4.750% - 33,013 66,025.00 11/01/23 1,390,000 4.750% 180,000 33,013 02/01/24 1,210,000 4.750% 10,000 119 05/01/24 1,200,000 4.750% 595,000 28,500 846,631.50 11/01/24 605,000 4.750% - 14,369 05/01/25 605,000 4.750% - 14,369 28,737.50 11/01/25 605,000 4.750% - 14,369 05/01/26 605,000 4.750% - 14,369 28,737.50 11/01/26 605,000 4.750% - 14,369 05/01/27 605,000 4.750% - 14,369 28,737.50 11/01/27 605,000 4.750% - 14,369 05/01/28 605,000 4.750% - 14,369 28,737.50 11/01/28 605,000 4.750% - 14,369 05/01/29 605,000 4.750% - 14,369 28,737.50 11/01/29 605,000 4.750% - 14,369 05/01/30 605,000 4.750% 605,000 14,369 633,737.50 Total $ 1,840,000 $ 434,149 $ 2,274,149 Rolling Hills Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2020-A2 Capital Improvement Revenue and Refunding Bonds Page 16 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru APFBprYopu p2rdoo0gvse2ete5dd REVENUES: ISSCPnpprateeerepccrriiyaaaey llFs mAAto Essresswaneertassnsrssidnmm gSeesunnrttpss l-Au D-s1 i(r-1eO) cnt Roll $ 123147135,,,059124047 -- $ 123 2602819349,,,,,368991258923148 $ $1 2013,,569907 --- $ 1123 2047813459,,,,,605892148920148 $ 123347038,,,001119025 -- TOTAL REVENUES $ 730,481 $ 809,768 $ 125,287 $ 935,055 $ 751,217 EXPENDITURES: Series 2022 A1 IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- - 01 0155///000111 $ 111112033,,,044077055 $ 113,475 -- 111203,,0407$05 - $ 111112033,,,044077055 $ 111112115,,,066000000 Series 2022 A2 IISnnptteeecrriaeelss Ctt a-- l01l 15- //000511/1 8866,,550055 - 86,505 -- 1 8865,,500050 - 1 888665,,,550000550 8833,,112299 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 519,960 $ 199,980 $ 504,980 $ 704,960 $ 514,458 Other Sources/(Uses) Interfund transfer In/(Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 519,960 $ 199,980 $ 504,980 $ 704,960 $ 514,458 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 210,521 $ 609,788 $ (379,693) $ 230,095 $ 236,760 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement Interest Due 11/1/25 $$ $11 809329,,,167247856...768538 Rolling Hills Community Development District Approved Proposed Budget Debt Service Series 2022 A1/A2 Capital Improvement Revenue and Refunding Bonds Interest Due 11/1/25 Page 17 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 05/01/22 $ 6,130,000 3.125% $ - $ 51,232 - 11/01/22 6,130,000 3.125% - 115,272 166,503.82 05/01/23 6,130,000 3.125% 115,000 115,272 11/01/23 6,015,000 3.125% - 113,475 343,746.88 05/01/24 6,015,000 3.125% 120,000 113,475 11/01/24 5,895,000 3.125% - 111,600 345,075.00 05/01/25 5,895,000 3.125% 125,000 111,600 11/01/25 5,770,000 3.125% - 109,647 346,246.88 05/01/26 5,770,000 3.125% 130,000 109,647 11/01/26 5,640,000 3.125% - 107,616 347,262.50 05/01/27 5,640,000 3.125% 135,000 107,616 11/01/27 5,505,000 3.400% - 105,506 348,121.88 05/01/28 5,505,000 3.400% 135,000 105,506 11/01/28 5,370,000 3.400% - 103,211 343,717.50 05/01/29 5,370,000 3.400% 140,000 103,211 11/01/29 5,230,000 3.400% - 100,831 344,042.50 05/01/30 5,230,000 3.400% 145,000 100,831 11/01/30 5,085,000 3.400% - 98,366 344,197.50 05/01/31 5,085,000 3.400% 150,000 98,366 11/01/31 4,935,000 3.400% - 95,816 344,182.50 05/01/32 4,935,000 3.400% 155,000 95,816 11/01/32 4,780,000 3.750% - 93,181 343,997.50 05/01/33 4,780,000 3.750% 160,000 93,181 11/01/33 4,620,000 3.750% - 90,181 343,362.50 05/01/34 4,620,000 3.750% 170,000 90,181 11/01/34 4,450,000 3.750% - 86,994 347,175.00 05/01/35 4,450,000 3.750% 175,000 86,994 11/01/35 4,275,000 3.750% - 83,713 345,706.25 05/01/36 4,275,000 3.750% 180,000 83,713 11/01/36 4,095,000 3.750% - 80,338 344,050.00 05/01/37 4,095,000 3.750% 190,000 80,338 11/01/37 3,905,000 3.750% - 76,775 347,112.50 05/01/38 3,905,000 3.750% 195,000 76,775 11/01/38 3,710,000 3.750% - 73,119 344,893.75 05/01/39 3,710,000 3.750% 205,000 73,119 11/01/39 3,505,000 3.750% - 69,275 347,393.75 05/01/40 3,505,000 3.750% 210,000 69,275 11/01/40 3,295,000 3.750% - 65,338 344,612.50 05/01/41 3,295,000 3.750% 220,000 65,338 11/01/41 3,075,000 3.750% - 61,213 346,550.00 05/01/42 3,075,000 3.750% 230,000 61,213 11/01/42 2,845,000 4.000% - 56,900 348,112.50 05/01/43 2,845,000 4.000% 235,000 56,900 11/01/43 2,610,000 4.000% - 52,200 344,100.00 05/01/44 2,610,000 4.000% 245,000 52,200 11/01/44 2,365,000 4.000% - 47,300 344,500.00 05/01/45 2,365,000 4.000% 255,000 47,300 11/01/45 2,110,000 4.000% - 42,200 344,500.00 05/01/46 2,110,000 4.000% 265,000 42,200 11/01/46 1,845,000 4.000% - 36,900 344,100.00 05/01/47 1,845,000 4.000% 275,000 36,900 11/01/47 1,570,000 4.000% - 31,400 343,300.00 05/01/48 1,570,000 4.000% 290,000 31,400 11/01/48 1,280,000 4.000% - 25,600 347,000.00 05/01/49 1,280,000 4.000% 300,000 25,600 11/01/49 980,000 4.000% - 19,600 345,200.00 05/01/50 980,000 4.000% 315,000 19,600 11/01/50 665,000 4.000% - 13,300 347,900.00 05/01/51 665,000 4.000% 325,000 13,300 11/01/51 340,000 4.000% - 6,800 345,100.00 05/01/52 340,000 4.000% 340,000 6,800 346,800.00 Total $ 6,130,000 $ 4,398,563 $ 10,528,563 Rolling Hills Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2022-A1 Capital Improvement Revenue and Refunding Bonds Page 18 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 05/01/22 $ 4,740,000 3.650% $ - $ 38,447 - 11/01/22 4,740,000 3.650% - 86,505 124,951.66 05/01/23 4,740,000 3.650% - 86,505 11/01/23 4,740,000 3.650% - 86,505 173,010.00 05/01/24 4,740,000 3.650% 185,000 86,505 11/01/24 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 354,633.75 05/01/25 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 11/01/25 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 166,257.50 05/01/26 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 11/01/26 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 166,257.50 05/01/27 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 11/01/27 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 166,257.50 05/01/28 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 11/01/28 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 166,257.50 05/01/29 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 11/01/29 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 166,257.50 05/01/30 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 11/01/30 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 166,257.50 05/01/31 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 11/01/31 4,555,000 3.650% - 83,129 166,257.50 05/01/32 4,555,000 3.650% 4,555,000 83,129 4,638,128.75 Total $ 4,740,000 $ 1,714,527 $ 6,454,527 Rolling Hills Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2022-A2 Capital Improvement Revenue and Refunding Bonds Page 19 Neighborhood UOn&itMs B2Uo0nn1itd5ss B2Uo0nn2itd0ss B2Uo0nn2itd2ss FY 2025 FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) Increase/ (decrease) FY 2025 FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) O&M O&M O&M Series 2015 Series 2020 Series 2022 Series 2015 Series 2020 Series 2022 Single Family A1 196 196 0 0 $1,769.90 $1,269.90 $500.00 $937.91 $0.00 $0.00 $937.91 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,707.81 $2,207.81 $500.00 Single Family A2 126 126 0 0 $1,769.90 $1,269.90 $500.00 $1,155.02 $0.00 $0.00 $1,155.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,924.92 $2,424.92 $500.00 Single Family Seasons A3 53 53 0 0 $1,769.90 $1,269.90 $500.00 $816.91 $0.00 $0.00 $816.91 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,586.81 $2,086.81 $500.00 Single Family 50's 139 0 139 0 $1,769.90 $1,269.90 $500.00 $0.00 $1,270.33 $0.00 $0.00 $1,270.33 $0.00 $0.00 $3,040.23 $2,540.23 $500.00 Single Family 50's 247 0 0 247 $1,769.90 $1,269.90 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,499.32 $0.00 $0.00 $1,499.32 $0.00 $3,269.22 $2,769.22 $500.00 Total 761 375 139 247 FY 2025 FY2024 Rolling Hills Community Development District Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Comparison 2024-2025 Annual Maintenance Assessments Annual Debt Assessments Total Assessed Per Unit Page 20