MINUTES OF MEETING ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Rolling Hills Community Development District was held Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Rolling Hills Amenity Center, 3212 Bradley Creek Parkway, Green Cove Springs, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: John Miller by phone Chairman David Church Vice Chairman Helana Cormier Supervisor David Bauer by phone Supervisor Billy Gibbons Supervisor Also present were: Marilee Giles District Manager Mike Eckert by phone District Counsel Joe Schofield by phone Align Engineering Freddie Oca Riverside Management Jay Soriano Operations Manager Keith Hadden District Engineer The following is a summary of the actions taken at the April 9, 2024 meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Rolling Hills Community Development District. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and called the roll. Three Board members were present and two participated via phone constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Ms. Giles noted any member of the public can speak on any item listed on the agenda. There is an opportunity toward the end of the meeting for audience comments again. She asked for any audience comments. Hearing no comments, the next item followed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2FD7AB8C-68BC-4F83-AF7E-64B12E21FDA1 April 9, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 2 THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the February 8, 2024 Meeting Ms. Giles presented the minutes from the February 8, 2024 Board of Supervisors meeting and asked if there were any comments, corrections, or changes. Hearing no changes from the Board, Ms. Giles asked for a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Church, seconded by Ms. Cormier, with all in favor, the Minutes from the February 8, 2024 meeting, were approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Series 2020 Project A. Update Regarding Series 2020 Project Mr. Hadden stated the project is going well. LGI has purchased all of the lots on four of the six cul-de-sacs. They will be buying the fifth cul-de-sac in June and the last cul-de-sac they will purchase in September. They are building on the third cul-de-sac now but haven’t started building on the fourth cul-de-sac. Things seem to be moving along and sales seem to be good so they are happy. B. Ratification of Requisitions (109-110) Item B was tabled to a future meeting. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Series 2022 Project A. Update Regarding Series 2022 Project Mr. Schofield stated they are closed out and final with the county including utilities, building and selling homes actively. Bonds have been issued. The only outstanding action item that he is aware of is permitting and construction of some park improvements but he is otherwise final, done and closed. Ms. Cormier asked if the permit for the park is the one they are developing for the CDD. Mr. Schofield noted it is and he is not really involved with tracking it. Onsite Solutions, a vendor for the developer homebuilder is actively permitting and working to install some improvements in a play feature. Ms. Giles noted Nick reached out to have the permit signed so just a matter of time before the big playground in the back gets installed. Mr. Schofield noted the only requisition is their final invoice affording the CDD this project built and closed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2FD7AB8C-68BC-4F83-AF7E-64B12E21FDA1 April 9, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 3 B. Ratification of Requisitions (110) Ms. Giles asked if the Board could ratify pay requisition (110) that Joe just mentioned on page 38 of the agenda. If it is alright with the Board, there is no real need for Joe to continue calling in. If anything comes up, Keith or any member of the staff can take that back to Joe. On MOTION by Mr. Church seconded by Mr. Gibbons, with all in favor, Requisition 110, was ratified. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Board Discussion and Guidance for Preparation of Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Ms. Giles noted this is anything specific that the Board is looking for in the budget. The invoices received so far will be put into the budget. There are some known increases, CCSO in January and slight increase from GFL waste management. If there is anything the Board is considering for FY25 budget now is the time to bring that up. Mr. Soriano noted at the next meeting in June they would present plans for the budget and get an idea of what the Board would like to do with those lines that they can work with. He doesn’t see an overall need for an increase in assessments. Mr. Church asked if the roof, AC and deck are considered already. Mr. Soriano noted they are trying to find a way to not have to do more money on the deck by taking that out. The roof is not planned for next year and is in the capital reserve study but right now the roof is okay. The awnings, tennis court resurfacing and wall, tennis court conversion to basketball court, paint pickleball lines, front area beautification, dog park installation, park equipment/playground structure, ponds and security cameras were all discussed by Board members. Ms. Giles doesn’t have EGIS’s numbers yet for insurance. Mr. Soriano set up a map with 7 spots for parks. Ms. Giles suggested clarifying what those tracts are by identifying what is green space and what is designated as a park. Ms. Cormier wants a designated sign in the park areas. The Board would like dog park proposals and include in the budget where the original master plan had it. Ms. Cormier asked about going out for bid for the portion of their management with Riverside. Mr. Soriano noted it was researched a few years ago for a portion of lifeguarding and as part of the companies coming in to look at lifeguarding, they were all asked if they could do other things like amenity manager, janitorial and maintenance. Nobody turned in a bid because of their budget at that time. He noted they could go out and see if there is somebody who can do a better job at a lower price. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2FD7AB8C-68BC-4F83-AF7E-64B12E21FDA1 April 9, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 4 SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals A. Awning Replacement Mr. Soriano presented the proposals for awning replacement. Superior came in at $26,940 and Boree Canvas at $19,737 to do all awnings at tennis and pool. JADA roofing proposed a metal roof at $32,000 which has a longer lifespan. On MOTION by Mr. Gibbons, seconded by Mr. Church, with all in favor, the JADA Roofing Proposal for Awning Replacement, was approved. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Eckert had nothing to report. B. Engineer Mr. Hadden informed the Board that David Guy passed away, one of the managing partners of Waltham and CBCP. He was the main one when this was bought that oversaw getting the roads redone and reinspected/resurfaced. C. Manager – 2024 General Elections Ms. Giles reminded the Board of election cycle coming up second week of June 10th – 24th qualifying period and Supervisor David Bauer and Supervisor Billy Gibbons seats are up. She reminded the Board that Form 1 is due online before July 1st. D. Operations/Amenity Manager Ms. Giles stated Freddie got a proposal from Lake Doctor’s to add the three ponds from Phase 3 and the one pond from Phase 2 so that will be an increase to the District. The total for all 10 ponds would be $1,025. She noted they do not have to maintain Phase 2 ponds yet so will add this in the budget for the higher dollar amount but Freddie will monitor the invoices to make sure they are only being billed for the ponds they are actually maintaining. Phase 2 is LGI. It has not been conveyed to the District yet but anticipate it being conveyed during this budget cycle. Mr. Soriano stated they go out and clear the ponds of trash. He recommended limited maintenance of ponds until more are added in the back. Summertime would be the concern as algea blooms start DocuSign Envelope ID: 2FD7AB8C-68BC-4F83-AF7E-64B12E21FDA1 April 9, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 5 when the weather is heating up. Ms. Giles noted the CDD shouldn’t be charged for the ponds until they are conveyed. 1. Report 2. Monthly Quality Inspection Report Mr. Soriano updated that he met with the fire marshal to get the okay but couldn’t get anything in writing saying it’s okay to cutout that exit point even if it is fine for code. He noted they are stuck in a holding pattern with the pool with county inspections, waiting for a health inspector and building inspector to sign off. Crown didn’t discount the lighting but worked with him on the coping doing about 90% of the pool. Mr. Oca will eblast residents with an update on the pool. Mr. Oca presented the monthly operations/maintenance report. Main valve break was repaired. He noted they do a monthly check on lighting and put a list together for repairs. There was discussion about switching to LED lights for energy savings at the pool and courts. A Board member requested getting quotes for painting the exterior of amenity building. Mr. Soriano noted the access system was installed. It has a lot of capabilities that they don’t have currently but to use all of those capabilities they need upgraded readers. The current pool cards will not work with the upgraded readers. Residents would turn in their old cards for new cards plus update their information, sign any information, and update who is in the household. A Board member suggested an eblast and sign board update regarding delayed pool opening and new access cards within 6 weeks. Mr. Soriano noted two apps plus one household card free. If a card is lost, new card rate fee stays the same. Everyone, minors and adults, get pictures. He will start purchasing cards. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests Ms. Giles asked if the Board wants to go out for proposals for the RMS contract. Mr. Church stated he does not. Mr. Gibbons doesn’t see any harm in at least looking. Ms. Giles noted if you go out for bid, the RMS proposal could come back higher than what the District is paying now. Mr. Soriano stated they shouldn’t be doing the RFP process. The lawyers will be coordinating and spending time on the process. Ms. Cormier would like it put out for bid as she struggles with the quality of subcontractors’ work/performance. Mr. Miller and Mr. Bauer say no to going out for bid. Mr. Gibbons asked who the pool maintenance company is and since the pool has been out of order for two months did the District get a rebate or prorated contract. Mr. Soriano noted PoolSure DocuSign Envelope ID: 2FD7AB8C-68BC-4F83-AF7E-64B12E21FDA1 April 9, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 6 is the company and they charge a flat rate. Ms. Giles stated they will request a credit from PoolSure. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments • Robert Massard – Commented on trees on side of roads/sidewalks. Mr. Soriano replied the HOA should have covenants on maintaining things in your yard. Trees far enough out past the property owners’ line could be county right of way. Call public works. He gets a warning for boat being at his house. Technically not supposed to be in the driveway. Commented on how long the beautification is going to take. • Rebecca Hickman – With the pool and gym access, how will it coordinate with homeowners and people renting. Mr. Soriano noted the rules aren’t any different. Whoever is using the card and app is going to be pictured. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports A. Balance Sheet & Income Statement Ms. Giles noted a copy of the balance sheet and income statement starts on page 56 of the agenda for the period ending February 29th. B. Assessment Receipt Schedule A copy of the assessment receipt schedule is on page 79. C. Check Register Ms. Giles presented the check register on page 81 totaling $788,594.66 for January and February. It is higher than normal due to disbursement of the taxes collected. It does include the deck, sod replacement, HVAC and pool. February’s check register has an audit, bank fees, and pool furniture. On MOTION by Ms. Cormier seconded by Mr. Church, with all in favor, the check register totaling $788,594.66 was approved. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2FD7AB8C-68BC-4F83-AF7E-64B12E21FDA1 April 9, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 7 TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Schedule Meeting: June 11, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m. at the Rolling Hills Amenity Center Ms. Giles stated the next meeting is scheduled for June 11, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at this location. The proposed budget will be approved at that time. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Ms. Giles asked for a motion to adjourn. On MOTION by Mr. Church, seconded by Ms. Cormier, with all in favor, the meeting adjourned. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: 2FD7AB8C-68BC-4F83-AF7E-64B12E21FDA1