MINUTES OF MEETING ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Rolling Hills Community Development District was held Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Rolling Hills Amenity Center, 3212 Bradley Creek Parkway, Green Cove Springs, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: John Miller Chairman David Church Vice Chairman Helana Cormier Supervisor David Bauer Supervisor Billy Gibbons Supervisor Also present were: Marilee Giles District Manager, GMS Kate Buchanan District Counsel Keith Hadden District Engineer Freddie Oca Riverside Management Jay Soriano GMS Operations Manager The following is a summary of the actions taken at the June 11, 2024 regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Rolling Hills Community Development District. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and called the roll. Five Board members were present constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Ms. Giles noted any member of the public can speak on any item listed on the agenda. She added there is an opportunity toward the end of the meeting for audience comments again. She asked for any audience comments. Mr. Thomas commented he was participating to see what was going on. Docusign Envelope ID: 8A6E11AE-B35A-418A-A4CD-132471E82A7B June 11, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 2 Ms. Hoyost commented on several issues with facilities, non-working items, liability issues, hiring of staff, contracted work, projects, cleaning of facilities, ground areas, security, and management issues. Resident commented on trash issues. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the April 9, 2024 Meeting Ms. Giles presented the minutes from the April 9, 2024 Board of Supervisors meeting and asked if there were any comments, corrections, or changes. Hearing no changes from the Board, Ms. Giles asked for a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Church, seconded by Mr. Miller, with all in favor, the Minutes from the April 9, 2024 meeting, were approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Pool Updates and Ratification of Emergency Repairs Mr. Soriano reviewed updates on pool and emergency repairs to include the motor, pump, and seal. The Board had several questions on the specifics of how everything worked. Mr. Soriano explained the process and associated costs for changes. WIFI was discussed and the ability to control remotely. He noted it has been completed and needed ratification. Mr. Soriano discussed the replacement of sand, the filter system and other operating issues with the pool. He recommended replacement of sand, the aerator, motor, valves, and filtration system issues and costs. Options for updates and pricing for the pool were further discussed. Blue Solutions price was for $2,850. Ms. Giles stated the Board could add future discussions to the next agenda. On MOTION by Mr. Bauer, seconded by Mr. Miller, with all in favor, the Pool Updates and Emergency Repair with Blue Solutions, was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Series 2020 Project A. Update Regarding Series 2020 Project Mr. Hadden reviewed the Series 2020 projects and the invoice explanations. Docusign Envelope ID: 8A6E11AE-B35A-418A-A4CD-132471E82A7B June 11, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 3 B. Ratification of Requisitions (110-111) Mr. Hadden explained the requisitions and costs. Discussion ensued on the location of water meters, the easement, the house location, and the driveway. Contact information was discussed to handle the concerns and easement issues. Requisition 110 was for $328,134.95 and requisition 111 was for $6,125. Ms. Giles asked for ratification of these invoices. On MOTION by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Bauer, with all in favor, Series 2020 Project Requisitions 110-111, was ratified. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Series 2022 Project A. Update Regarding Series 2022 Project Ms. Giles provided an update on the Series 2022 project including the $95k donation that was made to include area park equipment, dog stations, trash cans and picnic tables and playground. She noted the permits have been signed and discussed the timelines. Other donations were discussed. B. Ratification of Requisitions (111) Ms. Giles noted this pay requestion was for $820 and asked for ratification. On MOTION by Ms. Cormier, seconded by Mr. Miller, with all in favor, the Series 2022 Project Requisition 111, was ratified. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals A. RMS for Fiscal Year 2025 Services Mr. Soriano presented the Riverside Management Services proposal for fiscal year 2025 that included an increase. It was noted this was for pool monitors, deck monitors, and lifeguards. It was explained this was for hourly rates. Discussion ensued on rules and regulations, issues with monitoring staff, security, training, off-duty officers, security cameras, consistency, response times, violation procedures, and associated costs for the services. The going rate and pay for staff was discussed. Ms. Giles discussed the budget and available funds in the budget. She noted money could be moved for this cost. She discussed the gate monitor and the expectations for their services. Social media was discussed, and Ms. Giles noted a government body does not look at social media Docusign Envelope ID: 8A6E11AE-B35A-418A-A4CD-132471E82A7B June 11, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 4 or Facebook. She explained how GMS handled complaints and issues, the RFP process, and options for consideration. Ms. Cormier made the motion to table the consideration of the proposal for the RMS services. The motion died for lack of a second. On MOTION by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Church, with Mr. Miller, Mr. Church, Mr. Gibbons, and Mr. Bauer in favor and Ms. Cormier opposed, the RMS Fiscal Year 2025 Services, was approved 4-1. B. Proposal for Doors Mr. Soriano presented the proposals for doors to include costs of $1,499 that does not included shipping. He discussed the material of the doors, frames, hanging of the door, shipping, and issues with the current doors. Board questioned the options for the doors which are metal, glass panels, solid wood instead of pressboard. Discussion ensued on metal doors, wood doors, flat panel door, glass door concerns, decorative doors, access controls, installation, options for purchasing, and associated costs. Ms. Giles noted there was sufficient budget to cover these costs. Ms. Cormier expressed concerns with purchasing and costs. Mr. Soriano stated depending on the chosen doors this not to exceed amount would cover the installation costs. After discussion the Board made the decision to approve a not to exceed amount of $12,000 for 4 doors and authorized the staff to work with Supervisor Church. On MOTION by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Bauer, with all in favor, the Door Proposal for 4 Doors, with a Not to Exceed Amount of $12,000 and to Authorize Staff to Work with Supervisor Church was approved. C. Proposal for Pool Repair Items Mr. Soriano presented the proposal for pool repairs to include the sand replacement. Mr. Soriano explained the scope of services for these repairs and the different vendors that had given quotes. He noted this was a need for replacement and the size of the filter and the motor. The options were discussed for tabling the approval, the water clarity, closing the pool, backwashing the pool, and scope of services for the work. Mr. Soriano discussed with the Board the timeline and delaying until school starts or off-season. Ms. Cormier expressed the concerns with the life Docusign Envelope ID: 8A6E11AE-B35A-418A-A4CD-132471E82A7B June 11, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 5 expectancy and escalating costs. Mr. Soriano discussed the possibility of repairs, and this is for the cost of the sand only and finding another contractor for another price option. Ms. Giles reviewed the options for the Board and noted Mr. Bauer did not have to decide and it could be brought back to the Board for further discussion. Emergency meetings and associated costs were discussed. After discussion the Board decided to approve a not to exceed amount of $20,000 for the sand repair and to authorize staff to work with Supervisor Bauer. On MOTION by Ms. Cormier, seconded by Mr. Church, with all in favor, the Proposal for Pool Sand Repairs with a Not to Exceed Amount of $20,000 and to Authorize Staff to Work with Supervisor Bauer, was approved EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Acceptance of Fiscal Year 2023 Audit Report Ms. Giles provided an overview of the fiscal year 2023 audit report. She noted the report stated there were no findings and the compliance letter noted all compliance with financial responsibilities. She added there were no recommendations from the audit. Ms. Cormier asked if there was a way to ask the committee to keep an eye on spending to ensure they are spending wisely. Ms. Buchanan stated she did not think they provided those services. On MOTION by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Bauer, with all in favor, the Fiscal Year 2023 Audit Report, was approved. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-04, Approving the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 and Setting a Public Hearing Date to Adopt (August 13, 2024) Ms. Giles presented Resolution 2024-04 which included the FY2025 budget. Ms. Buchanan noted this proposal has the maximum amount and there can be no increase once this is approved. She added comments about letter to the residents. Ms. Giles reviewed the line items in the budget to include general funds/O&M, debt service bond and capital reserve funds. She added there were 9 projects and costs the board ask to have included in this budget. She reviewed the 4 Options presented in the budget noting the 1st 2 options do not include the projects. She added there is an assessment increase in the first option. She explained the capital project and noted Option 2 includes an assessment increase. Option 3 and 4 Docusign Envelope ID: 8A6E11AE-B35A-418A-A4CD-132471E82A7B June 11, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 6 and noted the projects are included and both Options include an increase in assessments. She added they are not fully funded due to the history of spending. Mr. Soriano reviewed specifics of the projects. Ms. Giles explained each project and asked the Board to prioritize projects based on need and community input. Board members discussed what projects could be put on hold and which ones were important to move forward on. The amenity center was discussed and the projects that were important. Mr. Soriano reviewed the trash can projects and playground equipment projects. Other topics were parking issues, fencing, security, park upgrades, bike racks, sidewalks, buildings, costs for projects, mulching, sign installation, budget expense increases and assessment increases, cautions with capital reserves, Option 2 was further discussed with an assessment increase, with no projects but increasing the capital reserves. Ms. Giles reviewed the reserve study and using caution in spending out of capital. Current funding and recommendations were reviewed for repairs, and spending. Various options and costs were further discussed. Increases in assessments were explained in detail and how the board could manage this for the budget. Mr. Soriano explained the total pool repair costs estimates and options. The assessment chart was reviewed with each Option and how the resident’s assessments would increase. It was proposed to have a flat $500 increase which would fund the capital reserves with some additional, but no projects. Ms. Giles noted the developer had made a good contribution towards the parks, and many do not do that. After discussion the Board decided to choose Option 2, which will make an increase of $500 and fully funding the capital reserves amount. The public hearing was set for August 13, 2024. On MOTION by Ms. Cormier, seconded by Mr. Gibbons, with Ms. Cormier, Mr. Gibbons, Mr. Miller and Mr. Bauer in Favor and Mr. Church Opposed, Resolution 2024-04 Approving the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 with Option 2 with an Increase of $500, and Setting the Public Hearing Date to Adopt for August 13, 2024, was approved 4-1. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Renewal of Pool Use Agreement with Clay County Swim Team Mr. Oca presented the proposal of the renewal of pool use agreement with Clay County Swim Team. He noted this is the same as last year. This allows the swim team to use the pool for Docusign Envelope ID: 8A6E11AE-B35A-418A-A4CD-132471E82A7B June 11, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 7 2-3 weeks during the summer for a rental fee. Discussion ensued on the rental fee in the past and what had been paid in the past. Ms. Giles will confirm with the account on the amount that was collected. As of April 30th only collected $170. However, she noted it could have been put under another line item. Further discussion ensued on insurance, liability, family members of swim students’ coverage, contract wording, parking issues, and cost of treating pool. Ms. Cormier suggested coaches provide lessons to the residents. A higher fee was discussed. Comments were taken from the audience. Mr. Soriano provided input on other districts process and fees. The board agreed to approve the fee at $800 for this year. The insurance and liability were discussed if the coaches would provide lessons to the residents. On MOTION by Mr. Bauer, seconded by Ms. Cormier, with all in favor, the Renewal of Pool Use and Agreement with the Clay County Swim Team, was approved. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Documents Related to Termination of Construction Easement Ms. Buchanan reviewed the easement and provided specifics to include the history back to 2006 and noted the developer wanted to make this conservation area. This would eliminate the easement agreement. Ms. Buchanan asked for the board to ratify. On MOTION by Mr. Gibbons, seconded by Mr. Bauer, with all in favor, the Documents Related to Termination of Construction Easement, was ratified. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion Regarding Future Projects: A. Resurface Tennis Court for Pickleball Courts Ms. Giles presented the proposals for resurfacing of the tennis courts. She asked if the Board wanted to do this now or table for later. Discussion ensued if this could be delayed or needing addressing now. Mr. Soriano provided basic information on when resurfacing should be done and the possibility of other bids. Mr. Gibbons wanted more proposals. It was asked to find out estimates on adding a goal to one of the courts as an option. After discussion this item was tabled to have staff bring back proposals to the next meeting. Docusign Envelope ID: 8A6E11AE-B35A-418A-A4CD-132471E82A7B June 11, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 8 B. Convert Tennis Court for 2 Half-Court Basketball Courts Mr. Soriano presented this information in the above item. He noted the costs and the scope of services for this project. This item was tabled to have staff bring back proposals to the next meeting. C. Tennis Courts (add LED Lights and Wind Screens) Mr. Soriano presented information on LED lights and wind screens. This would be replacing some of the lights and changing to LED. It was noted there were 15 not working at this time. This would be a total of 48 lights and installation would be a big cost. Mr. Soriano also discussed the savings to the electric bills, replacement process, how many to change out, and getting other estimates. This item was tabled to have staff bring back proposals to the next meeting. D. Park Equipment Ms. Giles noted this was for $6,000. Discussion ensued on warranties, updates on requirements, safety and security, what designates a park, ordinance requirements. No action was taken on the item. Mr. Soriano will send a proposal plan for park equipment to the Board. E. Dog Park Ms. Giles asked for discussion. Mr. Soriano discussed the fence options, specifics of the fence for dog parks. No action was taken on the item. F. Amenity Center Area Beautification: “Garden Golf” Area Discussion ensued on clean-up of the area and the scope of services for the project. Mr. Soriano noted they could get quotes on landscaping for the area. This item was tabled. The Board asked that Tree Amigos for an enhancement plan for this area and bring back to the next meeting. G. Additional Security Cameras Discussion was held on the purchase of security cameras. Mr. Oca does not have approval of the spending and it was stated this would have to come back to the board. The board discussed to have his spending limits increased for more expedited actions and the amounts that could be Docusign Envelope ID: 8A6E11AE-B35A-418A-A4CD-132471E82A7B June 11, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 9 approved. Discussion ensued on if this was only allowance for material and spending for labor. On MOTION by Mr. Bauer, seconded by Mr. Miller, with all in favor, Having the Amenity Manager Spending Limit Increased to $5,000, was approved. There was no action on the additional security cameras. H. Flock Cameras Ms. Giles reviewed these cameras and noted they would be at the front entrance facing each direction. Discussion ensued on specifics of the cameras, how the cameras could be used, locations, costs, security protections, installation of cameras, and benefits to CCSO and the community. After discussion there was no action on this item. I. Paint Building Exterior Ms. Giles presented the two proposals for painting from Jarvis and Titos. Mr. Soriano explained the quotes and costs of differences in the two vendors. Discussion ensued on if this is to be completed in October with the new budget or now. Ms. Cormier asked about the wood and the trim. Mr. Soriano explained the billing may be different depending on status of wood and the process of making that determination. After discussion the motion was made to proceed with the painting. On MOTION by Mr. Church, seconded by Mr. Gibbons, with Mr. Church, Mr. Gibbons, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Bauer in favor, and Ms. Cormier Opposed, the Proposal from Titos for Amenity Painting of Building Exterior, was approved 4-1. Discussion was held on cut into right-of-way and working with the county. Mr. Soriano discussed bringing back estimates, tearing down the steps, and rebuilding. The stairwell was discussed and needed quotes to remove the staircase. Mr. Soriano will continue to follow-up with the Fire Marshall to see if it’s a required fire exit. The board ask for an email be sent for direction and to obtain a quote from Allweather. Ms. Cormier asked to ensure multiple bids were taken. Docusign Envelope ID: 8A6E11AE-B35A-418A-A4CD-132471E82A7B June 11, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 10 On MOTION by Mr. Church, seconded by Mr. Bauer, with all in favor, Directing Staff to Obtain Quotes to Remove the Staircase, Include Allweather Contractors, and Continue to Follow-up with the Fire Marshall, was approved. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Ms. Buchanan reviewed the Tract C warranty deed by Waltham Development. She asked for a motion to accept. Ms. Cormier was not in agreement for the development. Board discussion ensued on the requirements, equipment, park, and land sale. The board accepted public comments. On MOTION by Mr. Bauer, seconded by Mr. Church, with Mr. Bauer, Mr. Church, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Gibbons in favor and Ms. Cormier Opposed, the Special Warranty Deed by Waltham Development for Tract C, was approved 4-1. B. Engineer Mr. Hadden had nothing to report. C. Manager – Report on the Number of Registered Voters (775) Ms. Giles stated the number of registered voters residing in the district as of April 15, 2024 was 775. She explained the requirements of filing of Form 1 by July 1, 2024. D. Operations/Amenity Manager 1. Report Mr. Soriano noted the report was in the agenda package. Mr. Soriano presented the Operations/Amenity Manager’s report to include quotes and updated the board on the gazebo tops. He noted he had spoken to the engineer about permits, billing, inspectors permit, costs, and new engineer plans needed to be submitted. The Board directed staff to work with Basham Lucas for new plans for the gazebo tops and bring back the proposal to the next meeting. A proposal is needed for a pull of area for the mailbox area. 2. Monthly Quality Inspection Report Hearing no comments, the next item followed. Docusign Envelope ID: 8A6E11AE-B35A-418A-A4CD-132471E82A7B June 11, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 11 FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests Ms. Giles asked for Supervisor requests. Mr. Gibbons asked about public facility rules, surveillance cameras, and process for trespassing citations and enforcement of rules. Ms. Giles noted that outside residents could buy into the amenities. He noted trash issues in Phase 3. Mr. Soriano will remind vendors to clean up. Mr. Bauer requested more communication from management and transparency. Ms. Cormier discussed the request to offer personal fitness classes for women for the community. Mr. Soriano discussed the rules of procedures and having an agreement. She discussed an email sent after the last meeting and concerns with board members’ input on agenda. Further discussion was held on board positions and benefits clarity. Ms. Buchanan discussed the rules for procedures and that they could amend those. Ms. Giles explained the process for members’ input on the agenda, general audience comments, public records requests, and the Sunshine law. Further discussion was held on pool closures, communication with board and residents, emails, inspections of the pool, timelines with inspector, timelines and actions taken on the pool. Other issues were job description with the new proposals, public records request process, restrictions with CDD meetings and with BCC meetings, and updating the rules and procedures and pool repairs. Mr. Miller provided information on his wife’s health and submitted a letter of resignation effective as of today, June 11, 2024. Ms. Giles asked for a motion to accept. On MOTION by Mr. Church, seconded by Mr. Bauer, with all in favor, Accepting the Resignation of Mr. John Miller, was approved. Ms. Giles asked the board on how they wanted to fill the vacancy that ends 2026. She noted there are 2 seats coming available. Ms. Buchanan explained the process of Mr. Bauer or Mr. Gibbons transitioning to the open seat of Mr. Miller and the other options for the board to fill the seat. After discussion the board agreed to have an eblast sent to the community regarding the open Seat #4 and to have letters of intent at the next meeting. She noted they will have resumes available at the next board meeting. Docusign Envelope ID: 8A6E11AE-B35A-418A-A4CD-132471E82A7B June 11, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 12 FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Ms. Giles asked for audience comments which included dissatisfaction with janitorial services, replacement of doors, not in favor of Four Friends Fitness, LLC., family bathroom is not working, trash cans are overflowing in Phase 3, and residents leaving trash on the pool deck. Other discussion ensued on having the staff enforce rules on access to the pool, and it was noted adult supervision was needed. Mr. Soriano explained the positions of managers in other districts that help with enforcing rules, issues with allowing alcohol and not having snack stand. He explained the process of taking away privileges if residents do not follow rules. Other concerns were topics of security, access cards, pool usage, swim meets at CDDs, and the $500 assessment increase. Ms. Giles and Mr. Soriano explained the RFP process and asking for multiple vendors and quotes. A resident expressed concerns on board expenditure and hourly rates they are paying. SIXTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports A. Balance Sheet & Income Statement Ms. Giles presented a copy of the balance sheet and income statement for April. B. Assessment Receipt Schedule Ms. Giles referenced a copy of the assessment receipt schedule showing 100% collected. C. Check Register Ms. Giles presented the check registers for March and the SBA account earning interest. On MOTION by Mr. Church, seconded by Mr. Gibbons, with all in favor, the check register, was approved. SEVENTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Schedule Meeting: August 13, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m. at the Rolling Hills Amenity Center Ms. Giles stated the next meeting is scheduled for August 13, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at this location. A comment was made on a conflict of CDD and BCC meetings. EIGHTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Ms. Giles asked for a motion to adjourn. Docusign Envelope ID: 8A6E11AE-B35A-418A-A4CD-132471E82A7B June 11, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 13 On MOTION by Ms. Cormier, seconded by Mr. Bauer, with all in favor, the meeting adjourned. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman Docusign Envelope ID: 8A6E11AE-B35A-418A-A4CD-132471E82A7B