MINUTES OF MEETING ROLLING HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Rolling Hills Community Development District was held Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Rolling Hills Amenity Center, 3212 Bradley Creek Parkway, Green Cove Springs, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Billy Gibbons Vice Chairman Helana Cormier Supervisor David Bauer Supervisor Susan Gibbons Supervisor Also present were: Marilee Giles District Manager Katie Buchanan by phone District Counsel Freddie Oca Riverside Management Jay Soriano GMS Operations Manager The following is a summary of the actions taken at the December 10, 2024 regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Rolling Hills Community Development District. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and called roll. Four Board members were present constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Ms. Giles opened the public comment period for agenda items only. There being no comments, the next item followed. Docusign Envelope ID: 9A0A0841-F21D-4D18-BD41-26DC4271B084 December 10, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 2 THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters A. Oath of Office for Newly Appointed Supervisor Ms. Giles administered the oath of office to David Bauer and Billy Gibbons. She reviewed the Sunshine Law and Florida Public Records Law. Ms. Buchanan made comments on the ethics laws. B. Election of Officers, Resolution 2025-02 Ms. Giles noted the current slate of officers as Mr. Church as Chair, Mr. Gibbons as Vice- Chair, Mr. Bauer, Ms. Gibbons, and Ms. Cormier as Assistant Secretaries. She added from GMS she would be Secretary and Treasurer. Ms. Powers as Accountant, Mr. Oliver, Mr. Hans, Mr. Laughlin, Mr. Biagetti and Mr. Mossing as Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers. She asked for any changes to the officers. The Board made the motion to keep the officers the same. On MOTION by Ms. Gibbons, seconded by Mr. Bauer, with all in favor, Election of Officers, Resolution 2025-02, Election of Officers with Mr. Church as Chair, Mr. Gibbons as Vice Chair, Mr. Bauer, Ms. Gibbons, Ms. Cormier as Assistant Secretaries, Ms. Giles as Secretary/Treasurer, Ms. Powers, Mr. Oliver, Mr. Hans, Mr. Laughlin, Mr. Biagetti and Mr. Mossing as Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers, was approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the October 15, 2024 Meeting Ms. Giles presented the minutes from the October 15, 2024 Board of Supervisors meeting and asked if there were any comments, corrections, or changes. The Board had changes to page 3 from “4” to “2” in the motion box for Item D. On MOTION by Ms. Gibbons, seconded by Mr. Gibbons, with all in favor, the Minutes from the October 15, 2024 Meeting, were approved in substantial form. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals: A. Amenity Center Area Beautification Ms. Giles noted this item is for area beautification for the amenity center. Mr. Soriano reviewed the proposals. He discussed the pictures and the specifics to the proposal. The Board made the decision to table this item. Docusign Envelope ID: 9A0A0841-F21D-4D18-BD41-26DC4271B084 December 10, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 3 B. Fence Around Amenity Center Ms. Giles noted this item is for fence around the amenity center. Mr. Soriano reviewed the specifics of the proposal. Board members asked if the design would allow access to the bathrooms. Mr. Soriano noted it would allow for access and explained the design. He reviewed the costs, pricing, and savings to the Board. The cost was $45,433.76 of fencing materials. He explained the chain link for 8-foot fencing would be $65,000. The Board member had several questions on design, materials, replacement for damages, and the labor cost at $20,000. Discussion ensued on chain link fencing, aluminum fencing, other fencing options, other costs, amount of materials, length of fencing, resident use for labor, front part of fence near parking lot main walk-up not using chain link for aesthetic purposes, access system, landscaping, sidewalk in middle of fencing explanation, walkability factor in the community, gate options, dedicated courts, colors, etc. After discussion the Board decided to have staff explore additional quotes for the next meeting and this item was tabled. C. Remodel Downstairs Bathroom Mr. Soriano explained the specifics of changing out the bathroom tiles, possibility of painting the tiles, and noted the project is almost complete. He explained the changing of the roofing, insurance options, and reviewed legal options. A representative made comments on insurance adjusters, property owners, policies, claims, costs, and working with adjuster. Ms. Buchanan asked for understanding of filing the claim, having it processed, and working with the vendor. The vendor explained his process, deductibles, proof of loss, and itemized estimate. Ms. Buchanan expressed concerns on the CDD policy, current coverage, and the process of working with contractors. Further discussion was held on policy problems, deductible is $2,500, cancellation, format acceptance, costs for comparison, storm deductibles, fee is based on claims, and 5% of coverage concerns. There was a question on prior estimates on roof. Ms. Giles asked if the Board is interested in working with a public adjuster to file a claim. Discussion ensued on other options of filing a claim, working with counsel and a Board member to possibly move forward, and it was noted this commitment is to the roofing company and the public adjuster work. Docusign Envelope ID: 9A0A0841-F21D-4D18-BD41-26DC4271B084 December 10, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 4 Mr. Soriano explained the next steps for pricing the roofing work. There was no number given on the estimate. It was noted the roof could not be repaired but needed to be replaced. The depreciation value was discussed. The air conditioning hail damage was discussed and the filing of a possible claim. Ms. Giles noted they will have counsel prepare an agreement to move forward. It was asked if they must allow the bid process and gather other estimates. Ms. Buchanon discussed the bid threshold. On MOTION by Mr. Gibbons, seconded by Ms. Gibbons, with all in favor, Directing Staff to Work with Public Adjuster for Roof Repairs, was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Suspension Letters Ms. Giles stated this item is for discussion of suspension letters. She provided an overview of the three letters provided to the families on October 18, 2024 for the vandalism in the bathroom. She added the boys are minors and asked that the Board be respectful of that fact. It was noted there were two families in attendance. Discussion provided an overview of the incident and the update on the gymnasium. Mr. Oca reviewed the vandalism incident to include the video clip from the cameras, sheriff’s report, state attorney’s office input, insurance quotes on the damage to the gymnasium floor, and estimates are not finalized. Mr. Soriano explained the damage to include floor, electrical issues, concrete damage, and other specific damages. Currently the estimate for repair is $17,000. He noted the filing of the insurance claim has slowed the process. It was noted the gymnasium has been closed for two months and there is no projected date for opening. Ms. Buchanon explained the suspension process for use of the amenity facilities. Ms. Giles gave a reminder of the suspension letter went out on October 18th until it ends today since this is considered the suspension hearing. Each family provided a statement. One family stated their child was not involved in the vandalism but was present. The other family stated their son was involved, explained he had recently lost two brothers, and it is a difficult time for the family. The Board member asked if their child has admitted to the damage. Discussion continued with explanations of the incident. Docusign Envelope ID: 9A0A0841-F21D-4D18-BD41-26DC4271B084 December 10, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 5 Mr. Soriano explained this suspension is for the child and not the entire family. Ms. Giles explained how the suspension works for the family, and it was only the child that would not be permitted on property. The Board continued discussion on the incident, testimony, other specifics of what occurred, costs, time for gymnasium to be closed, facing consequences of impulsive behavior, and ownership of behavior. Board discussion continued on the deductible, insurance claims, amount of $2,500 to be paid, increase of fees to cover the cost, setting a standard for damages, and amenities that would be off limits. Ms. Buchanan made comments on the age of children, limits to the family, reimbursement to the Board, possibility of a tier system of suspensions as an option, a long-term suspension of 12 months, and the process moving forward. After discussion the Board made the decision to continue suspensions for all amenities for the families of the 3 boys to be indefinite until restitution is made for the damages and the gym reopens. Suspensions for the remainder of the family and locations of all amenities were discussed. Each family will pay the cost of $833.33. Each child is suspended until this requirement is met and for 12 months from the date of the incident from the Amenity Center. On MOTION by Mr. Gibbons, seconded by Ms. Cormier, with all in favor, the Suspensions of the Families from the Amenity Center Until the Gym is Reopened and 1/3 of the Deductible ($833.33) is Paid and the Child is Suspended for 1 Year from the Incident, was approved. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Ms. Buchanan had nothing further to report. B. Engineer Ms. Giles had nothing to report from the engineer. The Board asked on when the back ponds and a section of the community will be open. Discussion ensued on conveyances. C. Manager Ms. Giles had nothing else to report. She reminded the Board of the Ethics Training deadline of December 31st. She noted Ms. Gibbons was exempt this year. Docusign Envelope ID: 9A0A0841-F21D-4D18-BD41-26DC4271B084 December 10, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 6 D. Operations/Amenity Manager 1. Report Mr. Soriano reviewed the Operations Report to include updates on tennis resurfacing, timelines, doors installed, painting, stairwell project, tennis courts, pool, additional work required when sand was removed, gravel layers, quotes for roofing, and permitting needed. Mr. Oca added comments on construction projects, door issues, mulching, bathroom updates, tennis courts, LED timers in the pool, breakers, and other lights in the pool. 2. Monthly Quality Inspection Report There being no comments, the next item followed. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests Ms. Cormier stated she would follow up on pickle ball structure and nets. She noted a resident would like to have additional permanent user courts. Mr. Bauer commented on event concerns in the community, parking, vendor set up location, resident discounts, and exclusive events. Ms. Cormier commented on the sand piled up in the front and future drainage concerns. She noted it needs to be removed. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Ms. Giles asked for audience comments. • Resident made comments on payment of $50 for vendors at community events, revenue share, refunds, and other concerns. Discussion ensued on concerns of CDD liability, vendor issues, insurance of vendors, vendor events, yard sales, and the eventual motion to stop the resident run craft fair. There was not a second to the motion. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports A. Balance Sheet & Income Statement Ms. Giles presented the balance sheet and income statement through October 31st. B. Assessment Receipt Schedule Ms. Giles referenced the assessment receipt schedule has started collection at 3%. Docusign Envelope ID: 9A0A0841-F21D-4D18-BD41-26DC4271B084 December 10, 2024 Rolling Hills CDD 7 C. Check Register Ms. Giles presented the check registers for September, October and the ACH collections for $197,011.70. She added September is higher than normal and the Egis invoice for $45,545, comments on insurance payments, and several other payments. Ms. Gibbons asked for clarification about an invoice on Page 154 for GMS which is for assessment rolls. On MOTION by Ms. Gibbons, seconded by Mr. Gibbons, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Schedule Meeting: February 11, 2025 @ 6:00 p.m. at the Rolling Hills Amenity Center Ms. Giles stated the next meeting is scheduled for February 11, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. at this location. Discussion was held on the meeting schedule and conflicts on Tuesday nights. Ms. Giles noted she could not make Tuesday night work at all. It was suggested for the possibility of moving to the 1st or the 3rd Monday of the month. The February meeting will stay the same. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Ms. Giles asked for a motion to adjourn. On MOTION by Ms. Cormier, seconded by Mr. Gibbons, with all in favor, the meeting adjourned. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman Docusign Envelope ID: 9A0A0841-F21D-4D18-BD41-26DC4271B084